Mobilising Africa

Africa is growing – economically, in terms of population, and more importantly in terms of investment and market opportunities. Investments in internet and mobile technologies are critical to enabling that growth and these are growing too. Some are also suggesting that Africa could leapfrog other markets and jump straight to the cognitive computing era, enabled by the latest technologies and rapid expansion of big data, which would be a real game changer not just in Africa, but world-wide.

2021-12-05T09:40:50-08:00February 27th, 2013|Categories: Trend Alert|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Jugaad Innovation

Studying how companies in the emerging markets innovate can offer Western engineers and designers important inspiration, and challenge them to develop products that are much cheaper. Such “frugal solutions” will become increasingly important in order to stay relevant in the stagnant markets of the West – as well as for the upcoming global middle class of developing countries. This study focuses on the “jugaad” innovation of India.

Case Study on How Collaboration Drives Innovation in Emerging Economies

Collaboration is as much relevant to social innovation as it is for corporate houses for technology innovations. Collaboration, in fact, could provide added advantages with respect to the hidden culture related challenges & budgetary constraints when used for a social cause. In this article by Madhu Mani & Jayesh Badani, you will learn how a consortium of NGOs, Academia and Financial institutions from India, Netherlands and France came together to tap into the power of collaborative innovation.

The Great Innovation Challenge of the 21st Century

Global economic challenges that have had a profound affect on businesses will continue to do so indefinitely. This means that businesses must not only innovate in order to survive, but they will need to innovate in new ways to meet the changing needs, expectations and financial situations of their customers.

Technology Entrepreneurship for Emerging Markets – An Ecosystem Approach

Technology Entrepreneurship (TE) offers unique development opportunities for societies to educate and grow local talent, build diversity and long term economic health. GATE –Global Accelerators of Technology Entrepreneurship – is an initiative to support TE in emerging economies by leveraging the entrepreneurial ecosystems and international networks centered at US research universities.