Creativity is a core value for leaders navigating uncharted waters, says Seth Kahan

According to leadership author Seth Kahan, navigating uncharted waters which often gives rise to anxiety and uncertainty. Visionary leaders learn to work with that energy and transform it inside themselves into creative progress.

Adult creativity: Why we should make time for play

We learn when we play as children, in fact this accounts for most of our early learning. Play acts as a learning laboratory for trying out different internal models on an external world. This is not dissimilar to our traditional brainstorming sessions.

Open Innovation: Why Mindset Matters Most

I have long argued that companies should look more at the people side of innovation rather than concentrating all their efforts on processes and concepts. The necessity of building trust as a basis for successful open innovation makes this even more relevant, and it also brings more power to the people who really drive innovation within a company.

Evaluating an Idea’s Potential Using ‘PPC’

Most of us have a tendency to discard ideas too quickly, because we cannot see the potential value. Gary Bertwistle of Blue Moon Creative, author of the new book The Keys to Creativity, has come up with a technique that he calls PPC, which stands for Positives, Potentials and Concerns, that can help you to overcome this tendency.