Open Innovation Intermediaries: Are they valuable?

The success of Open Innovation hinges on many organizational aspects as we have discussed extensively on the MOOI forum in the past months and will continue to do so until the end of this year. From the beginning of next year, we will start co-creating our e-book on the Management and Organization of Open Innovation in a joint effort with the MOOI forum members.

Pushing the boundaries – part 3: Making open innovation relevant to more economic players

This is the last article in a series of three, illustrating how we can push the boundaries within open innovation research. After reading a recently published strategy book by Rita McGrath, “The end of competitive advantage”, the writer is convinced that it offers several handles to understand open innovation in a broader, strategic context.

2021-12-05T21:11:15-08:00August 4th, 2014|Categories: Open Innovation, Organization & Culture|Tags: , , |

The R&D department: From Innovation Engine to Part of the OI Machine?

The success of Open Innovation hinges on many organizational aspects as we have discussed extensively on the MOOI forum in the past months and will continue to do so as of September 2014 onwards. To summarize, we have discussed corporate strategy, top management, organizational structures, HR, culture, and IP in light of Open Innovation.

2020-04-01T11:28:45-07:00July 9th, 2014|Categories: Open Innovation, Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , , |

Pushing the Boundaries – Part 2: Making Open Innovation Relevant to More Economic Players

The MOOI-forum is in its 5th month now, focusing on Open Innovation and corporate culture as theme. Every month, great discussions emerge on the forum. This article takes a look at how open innovation can be applied in many different strategic settings compared to the showcases described in different publications during the last decade.

2019-10-15T15:17:30-07:00May 6th, 2014|Categories: Open Innovation, Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , , |

Soft is Hard to Change: The Challenge of aligning HR with Open Innovation

The fourth theme addressed by MOOI is the relation between Open Innovation and Human Resource Management. This article delves deeper into the few articles that have arisen on HR and OI in the academic and professional literatures and the lessons that can be drawn from these existing sources. It also shares some of the take aways from the MOOI-forum discussions on this particular topic focus.

Organizational Processes and Structures Supporting Open Innovation

Open innovation cannot be implemented in companies without the right organizational structure and processes supporting it. What are these organizational structures and processes that facilitate open innovation in companies? They determine the success of open innovation practices and, therefore, this theme clearly deserves more attention from managers. It is surprising that very few academic and professional articles have been written about this topic.

Pushing the Boundaries – Part 1: Understanding the Different “Faces” of Open Innovation

The MOOI-forum is in its 4th month now, focusing on Human Resources Management and Open Innovation as monthly theme. Every month, great discussions emerge on the forum. One topic that came back each month but remained somewhat in the background is what we could label “the different faces of open innovation”.

The Role of Top Management in Open Innovation

Implementing open innovation requires a shift in mindset and a change in culture. It requires individuals to be open for external ideas and to share knowledge. This is not the way innovation is managed traditionally. For individuals to behave in a way that fosters open innovation, support from the top management seems to be crucial. Is this really the case? Or are top executives too far away from the action when it comes to innovation and open innovation?