5 Innovative Technologies of the 21st Century

The researchers and engineers of the 21st century have produced marvels such as personalized hover boards, self-driving cars and, of course, the societally pervasive smartphone. While the devices are commonplace now, just a decade and a half ago they were unfathomable.

As Self-Driving Cars Hit the Road; Innovation Is Outpacing Insurance

The revolution in self-driving vehicles has advanced faster than insurance companies can react to it. These cars introduce unique factors that must be integrated into the models that are used to set insurance premiums. At this time, coverage for self-driving cars is set using the same formulas as for traditional cars. Not long ago, there was a fatality involving the Tesla Model S. This occurred while the vehicle's Autopilot mode was active. The case brought new attention to the risks of using self-driving cars on the road, and insurance companies noticed.