4 Ecosystem Strategies for Digitalization: Insights from the Swedish Mining Industry

Orchestrator, dominator, complementor, and protector: these are four ecosystem strategies toward digitalization. In this case study, we look at an equipment supplier wanting to participate in digitalization initiatives of its industrial customers, so it must configure an ecosystem strategy to align with multiple partners.

Human Creativity: The Critical Survival Skill of the 4th Industrial Revolution that Cannot be Automated

While 4th Industrial Revolution technologies are fast becoming the way to go in the world of the "new normal," they are driven by something far superior to robots: human creativity. Let's have a look at the importance of creativity in this article.

How Data is Changing the Internet of Things

More than half of the world's data has been created in the past two years. As digital connection and creation - the Internet of Things - becomes ever more prevalent, we have to consider how data can better be interpreted, personalized, and improved. In this podcast, we explore IoT, and how it can impact your business.

How to Innovate with Big Data: 4 Essentials

A few years ago, big data was a brand new frontier for businesses, and few could afford to leverage the technology on a large scale. Today, it’s much more accessible for companies of all sizes, and the field of big data has begun to mature.

Top Innovation Trends in the Manufacturing and Energy Sector

In spite of the new explosive capacity for growth in both the energy and manufacturing sectors, “And only 24% of energy professionals consider their company to be ahead of the competition.” This disparity exists for a number of reasons, but often because a company’s innovation capabilities are not aligned with a repeatable innovation process. So what are the key inflection points for manufacturing and energy innovation?

Small Businesses can Overcome Financial Woes Through Innovation

Starting up a small business can be rough. Even if you possess near-infinite entrepreneurial spirit, chances are that you’ll run into some roadblocks along the way. Whether these obstacles are based in logistics of strategy and implementation of your business model, or even issues with the very products and services you offer, most of these problems can be solved with financial influx.

3 Ways Technology Will Change The Way We Live In The Future

What we know as a home today is nothing remotely like what homes looked like just 100 years ago. We have central air, natural gas heating, and many other modern amenities that our ancestors could never imagine. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that in another century, houses won't look foreign to us, as well.

2021-12-14T15:45:46-08:00April 5th, 2018|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , |

The FDA’s Digital Health Innovation Action Plan and Cybersecurity for Digital Healthcare

The number one issue for aging consumers is the lack of privacy related to sensitive medical information and other data that wearables like Fitbits and heart monitors bring without proper oversight. This is part of the reason for the FDA’s Digital Health Innovation Action Plan (DHIAP), which is meant to speed up the evaluation process for digital health technologies and allow the FDA to better focus on high-risk products.

Generating Disruptive Ideas for the Hyper-Digital Era

Disruptive ideas don’t just happen - they must be championed. In doing so, intrapreneurs must address two fundamental truths when leading big idea innovation: that of value creation and that of persuasive communication. If you want to learn how to scale innovation across your enterprise and create a disciplined approach for creating market-changing ideas, One Hour Innovator is a great place to start.

From the Future to the Present: Visualization and Innovation

Recent discoveries of exoplanets that are relatively close to our solar system are used to illustrate the importance of “visualization”—of future consumer lifestyles, work and recreation, and product and service preferences—for the process of innovation. Different aspects of the visualization concept are discussed, including distinctions between consumers and companies, the importance of widely shared images and competition, and a possible role for Zen philosophy. Particular attention is devoted to visualizations associated with digital innovations, such as smartphones, voice assistants and the internet of things. A key conclusion of the discussion below is that the concept of disruptive innovation should be expanded to include the idea of disruptive visualization. The latter phenomenon will probably become more prevalent in the future.

7 Ways to Appeal to Your Customers through IoT

To understand the impact of IoT on customer service you first need to know what it is. Briefly defined, IoT is a system of interrelated devices, digital machines, and objects that have unique identifiers. All these entities also have data transfer capabilities over networks without the need for human/human or human/computer interaction. In this article, we'll explore how you can redefine and improve customer relationships through IoT.

AI is Best Delivered as Service because there is Always Something that Needs Special Adjustment

In this Innoboard interview with Dr. Joseph Reger, Fujitsu Fellow and Chief Technology Officer at Fujitsu EMEIA, he discusses his take on the nature of innovation, the best opportunities for using AI at Fujitsu, why AI is best delivered as a service rather than a product, and much more.

5 Industries with the Most Innovative Companies

Have you ever wondered where great ideas come from? If your company has ever stalled for the lack of innovation, then you’ve probably thought about it from time to time. Innovative ideas can come from nothing, or from a long process of brainstorming and debate, but it always seems like some industries are consistently coming out with the best new products and processes, while others lag far behind. This isn’t your imagination; some industries are moving much more quickly than others. But which industries are the most innovative, and what sets them apart?