4 Ecosystem Strategies for Digitalization: Insights from the Swedish Mining Industry

Orchestrator, dominator, complementor, and protector: these are four ecosystem strategies toward digitalization. In this case study, we look at an equipment supplier wanting to participate in digitalization initiatives of its industrial customers, so it must configure an ecosystem strategy to align with multiple partners.

Innovation in Focus: Private Equity and Institutional Actors

Private equity funds invest in many traditional companies. So do institutional actors. When asked, leading voices in this field often claim that they are not looking for the next big thing, but dominant companies in the field, with low risk and a relatively predictable and stable cash flow.

How Machine Learning is Changing Business Communication

Machine learning is not a sci-fi concept anymore. Over the past few years, it has improved business operations in multiple ways. One of the areas that benefit from ML technologies the most is business communications. So, how does machine learning impact your internal and external communications? Let’s find out!

2021-03-24T19:37:02-07:00December 5th, 2020|Categories: Trend Alert|Tags: , , , , |

Frugal Banking: An Opportunity to Create Customer Value in the Future?

Investments that are necessary to innovate and serve customers are no longer sustainable while COVID-19 hastens the need to exploit the potential of digital innovations. Serving customers accurately during unprecedented times requires a new mindset and business model innovations. If banks respond to customer requirements in completely new special situations, they can gain trust and integrity and become winners of the crisis.

Human Creativity: The Critical Survival Skill of the 4th Industrial Revolution that Cannot be Automated

While 4th Industrial Revolution technologies are fast becoming the way to go in the world of the "new normal," they are driven by something far superior to robots: human creativity. Let's have a look at the importance of creativity in this article.

The Future of Email Marketing: Trends and Predictions for 2020

The importance of email marketing when spreading the word about a product or service cannot be overstated. Studies show that for every dollar spent on your email marketing campaign, you can get up to $44 as your ROI. This is 44 times more than other marketing channels like TV ads.

How Is Digital Innovation Changing Marketing?

In 2013, Adobe conducted a comprehensive research study and found that 76% of marketers believe that marketing changed more in the past 2 years than in the previous 50. Digital technologies were changing rapidly, impacting how marketers build their strategies and market to their audiences. Today, fast digital innovation has been replaced with the strategic implementation of new technologies in marketing.

6 Future-focused Ways Technology Will Affect Customer Service

For as long as businesses have existed, so has customer service. With each advance in technology, it appears the way organisations deliver customer service has evolved. Similarly, customers themselves have grown to expect faster responses, at almost all times of day. 

2021-12-20T10:52:33-08:00October 28th, 2019|Categories: Trend Alert|Tags: , , , , , , |