Creativity as a Search for Meaning

Creativity is part of, and not necessarily separate from, our intellectual efforts, explains John Armato in this thought-provoking article about using creativity to make meaning in our lives.

The Innovative Leader vs. the Command-and-Control Leader

There are many different ways to lead. CEOs with markedly divergent styles can be successful in different ways. The same leader will often adopt different styles in different circumstances. There is no one correct way to lead or manage. Ultimately the right way is the one that works for you and for the organization in delivering the goals you set out to achieve. In this article, Paul Sloane compares and contrasts the characteristics of innovative and command-and-control leaders.

How to build balanced innovation teams

When building a team it is critical to first understand what the group is expected to deliver, then take a deeper look into who is selected and how they are expected to work together. Purposefully balancing the right type of people for the job will go a long way toward making the team more effective, productive, and successful.

2020-08-05T19:19:44-07:00September 21st, 2009|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |