What We Can Learn From MIT – It’s All About Impact not Income

MIT has an incredible reputation, is an amazing brand, and is connected to numerous tech transfer successes. It is true that the system in the US is very different to that in Sweden: The laws are different, there is more money available in most parts of the US system, the domestic market is larger and the culture is very different. However, this is not say that Sweden cannot learn from the example of MIT, and apply whatever is feasible.

Innovation Partnerships – Find Your Role in the Innovation Union

The Innovation Union is a strategic approach to innovation, driven at the highest political level, and will focus Europe’s future efforts on challenges like climate change, energy and food security, health and an aging population, using public sector intervention to stimulate the private sector and remove bottlenecks that stop ideas from reaching the market. Despite the focus on simulating the private sector little attention has been given to describe individual firms’ roles in so-called “innovation partnerships”. Irene Martinsson outlines a way forward.

The Innovation Union and the Innovation Manager

The European Union's 'Innovation Union' initiative signals a change in how we think about innovation and the relationship between innovation, research and product or service development. In this four part series exploring the implications of the EU initiative, Haydn Shaughnessy begins by asking one of its architects, EU head of Innovation Policy, Reinhard Buescher what it means for innovation managers.

Technology Entrepreneurship for Emerging Markets – An Ecosystem Approach

Technology Entrepreneurship (TE) offers unique development opportunities for societies to educate and grow local talent, build diversity and long term economic health. GATE –Global Accelerators of Technology Entrepreneurship – is an initiative to support TE in emerging economies by leveraging the entrepreneurial ecosystems and international networks centered at US research universities.

Students Innovating for Emerging Markets

Existing technologies, such as telecommunications, are often designed for the developed world. But an innovative focus is also urgently needed to address issues in developing countries. This is something that the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, has acted upon and is sending students to Africa with the purpose to identify needs and develop innovative solutions. Read more in this interview with Professor Margareta Norell Bergendahl.

From Science to Business – How Firms Create Value by Partnering with Universities

In today’s “knowledge-based” society, it is becoming increasingly imperative for companies to “mine” knowledge and technology generated by universities. Why? Because the outcome of such industry-university collaborations help companies create new activities and jobs.

How do Innovation Intermediaries Help you to Implement Open Innovation?

Up to now, several innovation intermediaries have assisted managers to transgress the boundaries from closed to open innovation and facilitated the access to opaque and highly difficult to connect technology markets. Examples such as NineSigma, Innocentive, Innovaro and Yet2.com have been specificaly helpful for technological problems requiring solutions fromom distant and distinct innovation actors. This work aims to address the lack of continuous effort to study the content, structure and governance mechanisms of these intermediaries as well as other less publicized forms such as incubators, innovation agencies, science and technology parks that further complement innovative practices. How do innovation intermediaries help you to implement open innovation?

Intel Initiative Aims for More IT Enabled Innovation

The Innovation Value Institute (IVI) is a unique industry-academic open innovation consortium. IVI researches and develops unifying frameworks and road-maps for IT and Business executives to create more value from IT and better deliver IT enabled innovation.

How do you Deliver Innovation in a Research Environment?

Research at Lund University is world-class. Research is undertaken in areas such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, automatic control, wireless communication, logistics, ecology and cognitive science.