New Tech Innovations Are Helping Diabetics Stay Healthier

Diabetes is becoming a growing problem with millions of people struggling to keep their blood glucose levels managed. In addition to altering diet and lifestyle, many patients must also rely on medication.

Vaccines, Scientific Breakthroughs and Mopping Floors with Jessica Flechtner

In this Innovation Ecosystem podcast, Dr. Jessica Flechtner of Genocea Biosciences discusses her journey progressing the company from startup to going public. Learn from Jessica’s journey and rationale for joining an innovative biosciences startup despite her illustrious research career; her key role in bringing a company from the acquisition of venture capital funding through to going public in year and how she and the Genocea team create a culture of discussing failure and celebrating success that helps them maintain their competitive edge in an ever-changing and demanding pharmaceutical industry.

Medicine can Teach Business and Government a Powerful Innovation Lesson

Many companies develop their new products in secret and behind their own closed doors. They then launch their radical new approach with a fanfare of marketing expenditure. They are often disappointed. Paul Sloane looks at how organizations can harness the power of randomized control trials to drive successful innovation.

The Future of Medtech – Applying the Power of Innovation

The share of profits from new products is particularly high in medtech compared to other industries; and Arthur D. Little’s recent global Innovation Excellence study demonstrates that a high performance innovation system generates significant and quantifiable effects on profitability and accelerated time to market for new product development. This viewpoint outlines the future of the medtech industry and its opportunities as well as how to address the challenges through implementation of a well-designed Innovation Management System.

Trying New Methods Is Not Reckless; It Is Essential

We are living in an increasingly litigious age. The number of lawsuits brought against the British National Health Service has doubled in the last four years. The fear of litigation and the real possibility of been found guilty of medical malpractice are inhibiting hospitals and doctors from trying promising new ideas in the treatment of deadly illnesses.

2019-10-15T15:14:47-07:00September 12th, 2013|Categories: Enabling Factors|Tags: , , , , , , |