New Tech Innovations Are Helping Diabetics Stay Healthier

Diabetes is becoming a growing problem with millions of people struggling to keep their blood glucose levels managed. In addition to altering diet and lifestyle, many patients must also rely on medication.

How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Personalized Medicine

Artificial intelligence or AI is an area in computer science whose primary objective is to create machines that reflect human activities such as reasoning and cognitive abilities. Chronic illnesses can nowadays be treated professionally using AI within a shorter period. It is made achievable through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The Cost of Innovation in Healthcare

Medical technology is without a doubt the biggest innovation to the healthcare industry. It can be called the largest driving factor and is a key role in virtually every aspect of healthcare. It’s becoming more and more clear that medical technology is influencing the way we are thinking about healthcare—especially patient care and efficiency—and will continue to shape the industry for the foreseeable future.

2021-12-14T13:55:59-08:00January 12th, 2018|Categories: Trend Alert|Tags: , , |

The Future of Medtech – Applying the Power of Innovation

The share of profits from new products is particularly high in medtech compared to other industries; and Arthur D. Little’s recent global Innovation Excellence study demonstrates that a high performance innovation system generates significant and quantifiable effects on profitability and accelerated time to market for new product development. This viewpoint outlines the future of the medtech industry and its opportunities as well as how to address the challenges through implementation of a well-designed Innovation Management System.