Catherine is a marketing associate at OneDesk Inc. With several years experience in the online space, Catherine has a broad knowledge of the online experience. She is deeply passionate about exploring new ways to leverage next-generation social technologies into the product development process.



Product Innovation: Unifying People, Processes and Tools

Product innovation is not simply about generating new ideas. It is a complex process, and many organizations struggle with the design and implementation of an effective innovation strategy that yields measurable results over the long-term. Sustained growth and profitability can be achieved through the integration of three critical levels: People, processes and tools.

How Next-Generation Social Technologies can Help Drive Innovation

Product innovation is about developing and delivering the “next” product or service-to-market quickly and cost-effectively. A well-managed innovation process that meets customer demands for new and unique products and services can contribute to creating a competitive advantage and business growth. Organizations can improve their innovation processes through the use of next-generation social technologies, says Catherine Constantinides.

Building Your Innovation Toolbox for Successful Co-Creation

Innovation management has become one of the most critical factors contributing to sustained business growth. Co-creation is an extremely powerful driver of innovation provided that you manage the process and harness social technology. In this article Catherine Constantinides takes a closer look at the different tools you need to consider to be successful.