Haydn Shaughnessy is regularly described as “one of the most refreshing thinkers on innovation.” Haydn is one of the pioneers of platform thinking and how business platforms are disrupting the global economy. He help leaders understand the disruptive power of platforms and ecosystems in reshaping markets and enterprises.

Haydn is the author of Platform Disruption Wave, Shift: A Leader’s Guide to the Platform Economy, and The Elastic Enterprise. He is a regular contributor for Innovation Management, Wall St Journal, Forbes.com, Harvard Business Review, Irish Times, Times, GigaOM, and many other newspapers and magazines. He writes about platform disruption at haydnshaughnessy.com.


Changing How We Measure Up The Innovators

An EU benchmark of national innovation capabilities has the United States out in front with some European countries falling behind the emerging economies. The US Government on the other hand is deeply concerned about its innovation capability. Haydn Shaughnessy asks if the benchmarks give us a way to rethink innovation.

2021-12-02T07:54:36-08:00February 2nd, 2011|Categories: Report|Tags: , , , , |

States Gamble on the Random

In an economy where many millions of social interactions create exciting but often random change, can state bodies credibly set innovation policies that fire the imagination of entrepreneurs - whatever the budget? In the third of our articles on Europe’s Innovation Union we spoke to Ann Mettler, Executive Director of think tank The Lisbon Council and asked for her take on policy and innovation.

2019-10-15T15:07:49-07:00February 1st, 2011|Categories: Enabling Factors, Interview|Tags: , , |

Innovation’s New Champion

Policy makers in the USA and EU are looking at how they can design innovation programmes that support global competitiveness. In this series we are looking at Europe's new 'Innovation Union', which reflects the new growing significance of innovation in Government policy. We'll be following up with more on US and Asian innovation thinking. In Part II of our Innovation Union series, we talked with Peter Droell, head of innovation at the European Commission.

2019-10-15T15:06:23-07:00January 24th, 2011|Categories: Blog Archive, Interview|Tags: , |

The Innovation Union and the Innovation Manager

The European Union's 'Innovation Union' initiative signals a change in how we think about innovation and the relationship between innovation, research and product or service development. In this four part series exploring the implications of the EU initiative, Haydn Shaughnessy begins by asking one of its architects, EU head of Innovation Policy, Reinhard Buescher what it means for innovation managers.

The Positive and Negative Equity of Innovation Cultures

The culture of innovation can mean many things. Most obviously it can refer to how a company creates an innovative culture, which is different from being in an innovation culture. I want to look at how innovative cultures intersect, and how important this is for what companies can achieve. The two concepts I want to introduce are: positive and negative equity in innovation cultures. How do you create the former and shed the latter?

Rethinking the Financial Drivers in Innovation Culture

Recent reports in the Harvard Business Review question the efficiency of the traditional Silicon Valley venture capital innovation funding model and more emphasis is now being placed on how to manage the innovation process in a low finance environment. In this article we look at one grass roots movement that is providing a model for creating the widest possible innovation culture, at the same time bringing this new innovation management thinking into the mainstream.

Ecosystems and the formal process of ad hoc innovation

Look at an example like Nokia and you can see the mobile device and services giant rapidly evolving different types of ecosystems around its devices, services and solutions – these are all ad hoc innovation platforms or ways to introduce the unplanned into corporate strategy. Ad hoc innovation is extremely important but a poorly understood element of change. Yet companies have been evolving complex ad hoc innovation systems for perhaps the past three years.

Cluster and Eco -System: Formal and Informal Approaches to Innovation

During the 1980s it became apparent to European policy makers that the twin titans of innovation, at the time, the USA and Japan, were better at innovating than were European firms. Or rather Europeans could invent but struggled to get to market.