Tips for Generating Innovative New Product Ideas from the Electronics Industry

Successful organizations worldwide realize how important it is to their success to nourish creativity and innovation. Innovation is, after all, the vanguard to increased competitiveness. In my years of experience in the development of innovative electronic products, innovation challenges have necessitated the gathering and practice of techniques from many arenas. Here are a few ideas that we have developed in my company. I hope that they will help you to expand and enable innovation in your organization, too.

Better Brainstorming: How to Improve Quick and Dirty Idea Reviews

Quick and dirty idea reviews, used to efficiently process the wealth of ideas generated in the typical corporate brainstorming sessions, may unwittingly throw away some valuable ideas. Here are several ways to avoid that mistake, according to Jeffrey Baumgartner.

2021-11-29T13:57:27-08:00October 28th, 2008|Categories: Idea Management|Tags: , , , , |

To Encourage the Flow of Ideas, Remember the Three Cs

While many companies give lip service to innovation, the fact is that your organization's managers may be unwittingly killing new ideas, along with the enthusiasm of the creative thinkers who developed them. Jeffrey Baumgartner provides some advice on how to ensure that managers are more supportive of new ideas.

2021-11-29T13:42:43-08:00April 22nd, 2008|Categories: Idea Management|Tags: , , , , |

How to Generate 20 New Business Ideas Over Coffee

Reverse (or negative) brainstorming is an ideal technique for people in businesses of all sizes, either on their own or with colleagues. It can also be slotted into short periods of time such as coffee breaks, bus or train journeys or while waiting for someone. And if your board meeting drags on you can always let your mind wander a little.

2020-08-10T11:48:36-07:00February 26th, 2007|Categories: Idea Management|Tags: , , , |

A Process for Innovation Planning

All too often, hastily planned brainstorming sessions bring up a lot of good ideas that somehow never get used, while the boring kinds of ideas you are trying to get away from seem to be used again and again. One reason for this is the lack of an innovation plan, according to Jeffrey Baumgartner.

When Brainstorming, Don’t Give in to Limited Thinking

When we are trying to dream up ideas for a particular problem, we have a tendency to look at the limitations and focus our ideation on ideas that meet the demands of our limitations. In short, we only consider ideas that come within the “good ideas” portion of our realm of ideas. Ideas that do not make it into the good ideas realm are often rejected immediately.

Enhance your Personal Innovation with a Brainstorming Retreat

If you are a business owner, senior manager or otherwise responsible for strategic issues in your organization, you should consider scheduling a brainstorming retreat. Disconnect from your devices, select a few good books, get yourself a nice thick blank notebook and run off somewhere quiet and inspirational where you can think.

Six Great Ways to Ruin a Brainstorming Session

The brainstorming session is the most popular group creativity exercise in business. It is quick, easy and it works. But many organizations have become frustrated with them, because they say this form of ideation is old-fashioned and no longer effective. But the real reason for their frustration is that most brainstorming meetings are not facilitated properly. Read on for more details!