7 Modern Trends That Are Innovating Traditional Workplaces

The workplace of today little resembles the cubicles of yesteryear. More people telecommute and enjoy flextime options. Rather than a traditional top-down structure, many companies embrace a more democratic arrangement.

How to Deal with Productivity Killers in a Flexible Workplace

By far one of the biggest benefits of remote working is the ability to have a flexible schedule. If you can do the work whenever you want---as long as it gets done---this brings an immense amount of freedom. However, freedom comes with responsibility, and since you’re flexible, you can easily start slacking and never really get any work done.

2021-12-20T10:37:47-08:00September 20th, 2019|Categories: Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |

Why Company Culture is Key to Innovation and Growth

In the world of business to get an edge over competitors, companies are required to constantly evolve their sales, marketing, hiring, and employee retention tactics to stay ahead. External pressures and threats from other companies push entrepreneurs to come up with new strategies and solutions to grow their businesses. There’s no way to succeed other than to innovate.

2021-12-20T10:21:53-08:00August 6th, 2019|Categories: Leadership, Organization & Culture|Tags: , , |

Innovative Workplace Benefits: Perks Employees Look For

One thing that successful companies usually have in common is their willingness to give their employees great perks and benefits. Having great workplace benefits increases the employee's willingness to go above and beyond for the company, which in turn benefits the organization.