Study Proves that Living Overseas Boosts Creativity

It has long been said that travel broadens the mind. That has never been tested empirically until recently. And the result is that travel alone is not sufficient to boost creativity. Living overseas, however, has been demonstrated to improve creative thinking ability, according to a new study.

How to Think What No One Else Thinks

How can you think of things that no-one else thinks of? The answer is by deliberately taking a different approach to the issue from everyone else. There are dominant ideas in every field. The innovative thinker purposefully challenges those dominant ideas in order to conceive new possibilities, explains Paul Sloane.

Innovation: Back to the Basics

With everyone and her aunt now involved in innovation and a never ending stream of articles, blog posts and books being published on the topic, we need to be sure we are clear on the basics of innovation, particularly corporate or organizational innovation.

How to use creative problem solving to get a job – even during an economic downturn

The late Earl Nightingale, known as "the dean of personal development," once related this story in one of his audiotapes that speaks to the challenges we face today, and why creative problem solving is more important than ever.

Better Brainstorming: How to Improve Quick and Dirty Idea Reviews

Quick and dirty idea reviews, used to efficiently process the wealth of ideas generated in the typical corporate brainstorming sessions, may unwittingly throw away some valuable ideas. Here are several ways to avoid that mistake, according to Jeffrey Baumgartner.

2021-11-29T13:57:27-08:00October 28th, 2008|Categories: Idea Management|Tags: , , , , |

To Encourage the Flow of Ideas, Remember the Three Cs

While many companies give lip service to innovation, the fact is that your organization's managers may be unwittingly killing new ideas, along with the enthusiasm of the creative thinkers who developed them. Jeffrey Baumgartner provides some advice on how to ensure that managers are more supportive of new ideas.

2021-11-29T13:42:43-08:00April 22nd, 2008|Categories: Idea Management|Tags: , , , , |

10 Rules for Creative Teams

Under the right circumstances, a team can be significantly more creative than any individual team member and is often better able to push creative ideas through the implementation process so that they may become innovations. Here are ten quick rules for ensuring your teams are effective creative teams from Jeffrey Baumgartner.