DNA of an Innovative Business: Is It Yours?
With the acceleration of modern economic, societal and environmental changes, new opportunities are created everywhere, and often where we least expect them.
With the acceleration of modern economic, societal and environmental changes, new opportunities are created everywhere, and often where we least expect them.
Customer service is an essence of modern business. It surpassed prices and products as the most important brand differentiator a long time ago. According to the recent survey, almost 100% of global consumers claim that customer service is crucial in their choice of the brand. That’s why you need to stay up to date and learn about the key customer service trends in this article.
The Digital Age disrupts the practices and beliefs that gird the archetypical relationship between advertising agency and client. The Procter & Gamble Companies discarded a relic of the client-agency relationship, the creative brief. They seek more authentic engagement that leads to more compelling campaigns. What possibilities do clients open when they move from exchanging information to engaging in co-creation? What role might the practice of collaborative innovation play in redefining roles between client and agency?