The crucial role of networks in helping firms generate and execute new ideas
Interpersonal networks within organizations have a huge influence on how successfully firms can generate and execute new ideas, says innovation professor Tim Kastelle.
Interpersonal networks within organizations have a huge influence on how successfully firms can generate and execute new ideas, says innovation professor Tim Kastelle.
By adopting the behaviors and principles of improvisation, organizations can achieve significant and robust cultural change in the direction of innovation, says creativity and improv expert Doug Stevenson.
Creativity is more important than ever, considering today's accelerating rate of change in business, says author and expert Marci Segal in this latest Creativity in Business interview. In fact, it's an essential change management tool for effective leaders.
NYT best-selling author Dan Pink shares some valuable insights into the new paradigm of creative work in this Business Thought Leader interview.
Just because a company is spending money on research (such as markets, customers, or new technologies) and development doesn't mean they will get innovation. Innovation, as with advertising, training, or many other organization investments, depends on the quality of the investment as much as the quantity of resources put in it. A high proportion of innovative new products, services, and companies flop. That's often because managers build better mousetraps without first making sure there are any mice out there. Or that people still want to catch them.