Entrepreneurs of the World, Unite in Eco-systems!

Clientelism, Wintelism and innovation eco-systems: moments of truth within the global semiconductor industry. Europe and Japan tried for years to challenge Intel by building national seminconductor champions, yet wihout success. Today, a small British company named ARM has qua its eco-system strategy managed to launch a more serious go at Intel.

2021-12-02T18:11:34-08:00February 20th, 2012|Categories: Blog Archive|Tags: , , , |

Boosting Innovation by Integrating a Gender Perspective

Why does gender diversity matter when it comes to product and service innovation? What has research shown? And what does hard-won experience tell us? This article shows how businesses gain a competitive edge by integrating a gender perspective into their innovation work – a much needed boost as global competition becomes increasingly tough.

StartUp America and the Realities of Innovation

StartUp America is President Obama's policy of choice to kick start jobs growth in the United States. StartUp America Partnership is a private sector initiative to help out. How closely related are they and what do they mean for innovation in America? We talked to Lesa Mitchell, VP Innovation at the Kauffman Foundation, one of the architects of the partnership.

IP Funds- a Potential Driver of Breaking the Radical Jinx?

Can non-industry specific IP funds help to push the innovation envelope? Can we bridge the gap between industries and geographies to provide a systematic breeding place for forward-thinking inventions? Gunjan Bhardwaj explores.

Recalibrating the Innovation Metrics System

In last week's IM article we looked beyond national innovation metrics at how in the French system innovation is stifled by education, culture and systemic factors. Can we recalibrate innovation through national policy? This weeks concluding article looks at how the policy makers should be redirecting their efforts beyond traditional measures.

What Can We Learn from National Innovation Metrics? France as a Case Study in Change

National innovation statistics are regularly produced to make some Government agencies feel good about themselves and others feel bad – but do they really tell us how to make innovation happen more easily? In the first of a two part series we see how the French example holds salutary lessons for companies and governments.

How to Engage SMEs in Innovation Networks- Lessons from the Dutch campaign FuturizedBusinesses

Current public innovation support often fails to activate a significant group of SMEs. As a result, the innovation infrastructure is not utilized to its true value and capacity by a key constituency – small and growing companies. Not-for-profit intermediary Syntens initiated a campaign “FuturizedBusinesses” with Regional Development Agencies and the Chambers of Commerce to tackle this. Here's what we learned.

The Creative Culture

The idea of the creative city or creative class took a back seat while the chatter among businesses and policy makers turned to innovation. Yet complexity economics tells us cities are where the bulk of innovation happens. Is it time to revisit ‘places’ as the focal point of innovation activity? A new report suggests yes but we have also to revisit what we understand by a creative city or region.

2019-10-15T15:07:43-07:00February 25th, 2011|Categories: Report|Tags: , , , , |

Potential of Collaboration & Co-Creation to Usher in Social Change, One Citizen at a Time

We are all very familiar with traditional examples of collaboration and co-creation that produce commercial benefits for companies – Nike, P&G, Electrolux, Unilever, Frito-Lay, etc. But what about social benefits; can emerging platforms of collaboration and co-creation also produce social benefits? Can they channel the energy of everyday citizens into constructive activities that usher change in a more peaceful and civil manner than what we are witnessing across Egypt today? In my opinion, the answer is a definite yes.

States Gamble on the Random

In an economy where many millions of social interactions create exciting but often random change, can state bodies credibly set innovation policies that fire the imagination of entrepreneurs - whatever the budget? In the third of our articles on Europe’s Innovation Union we spoke to Ann Mettler, Executive Director of think tank The Lisbon Council and asked for her take on policy and innovation.

2019-10-15T15:07:49-07:00February 1st, 2011|Categories: Enabling Factors, Interview|Tags: , , |

Innovation Partnerships – Find Your Role in the Innovation Union

The Innovation Union is a strategic approach to innovation, driven at the highest political level, and will focus Europe’s future efforts on challenges like climate change, energy and food security, health and an aging population, using public sector intervention to stimulate the private sector and remove bottlenecks that stop ideas from reaching the market. Despite the focus on simulating the private sector little attention has been given to describe individual firms’ roles in so-called “innovation partnerships”. Irene Martinsson outlines a way forward.

The Innovation Union and the Innovation Manager

The European Union's 'Innovation Union' initiative signals a change in how we think about innovation and the relationship between innovation, research and product or service development. In this four part series exploring the implications of the EU initiative, Haydn Shaughnessy begins by asking one of its architects, EU head of Innovation Policy, Reinhard Buescher what it means for innovation managers.