Action Plan for Rapid Innovation – Part 2

At Orange, the international mobile and fixed carrier issued from France Telecom, there is a strategy to diversify the services it offers to its users and has set up Orange Vallée as an external entity to drive innovation. Nicolas Bry tells us more about how the system works.

What is Lens Shifting and How Can it Help You Shape Your Innovation Strategy?

Measuring innovation is tough on most counts – unless you happen to be lucky enough to create new blockbuster products. One way to make strategy easier to frame and guide is to have a set of leading indicators telling you if your innovation efforts are working out. Deb Mills-Scofield looks at how to set up the lead indicator process through 'Lens Shifting'.

What Are Innovation Ecosystems and How To Build and Use Them

The innovation ecosystem is not new but it certainly has many new features. Jorn Bang Andersen looks back at the evolution of the innovation ecosystem, where it is now headed and how companies can develop ecosystem strategies.

Overcoming Opportunity Blindness and Path Dependence: How To Think Your Way to Multiple Futures

In the age of permanent uncertainty there is a resurgent interest in scenario planning. Executives that have witnessed high profile decline of strong companies know that past success is no guaranteed guide to the future. Kevin McDermott & Peter Kennedy argue that scenario planning can be lifted out of its conventional uses in strategy development and risk management and used instead to avoid “opportunity blindness”.

The State of Open Innovation

How successful is Open Innovation as an innovation method? For leaders like Proctor and Gamble the answer is obvious but the same can't be said for the vast majority of enterprises taking this route. Doug Berger takes the soundings.

Who is in Control of Your Innovation Process?

Who is in control of your innovation process? If it is not management, your process will go nowhere, warns Jeffrey Baumgartner. Sadly, many companies launch half-baked innovation initiatives and hand control over to ill-trained managers, consultants, customers and even the general public.

Brand Driven Innovation

Erik Roscam Abbing's book ‘Brand Driven Innovation’ describes a new way of thinking about- and practising innovation, driven also by a unique view of the brand. Eric shares the story of how Brand Driven Innovation came into being and what it means for an organisation’s innovation practise.

Is it Time to Rewrite the Innovation Playbook: Ten New Requirements in the Age of Hyperinnovation

In the world of hyperinnovation innovation itself is changing. In place of a monolithic R&D based innovation culture we suddenly have a proliferation of innovation approaches and new pressures on enterprises to innovate. Haydn Shaughnessy and Nick Vitalari argue the innovation playbook needs to be rewritten, and relabelled.

The Purposeful Entrepreneur

What makes an entrepreneur's decision making different from an executive's and can the two ever meet? We asked investor and start-up champion Tony Fish to explore entrepreneur vs. executive innovator as he prepares to launch a novel new digital collaborative incubator in London.

The Front End of Innovation Does not Conform to a Funnel

Much of the action in innovation during the past five years has been around the front end of innovation – acquiring and gating new ideas. Doug Collins asks whether we are applying the right processes to the fuzzy front end..

Managing Innovation Through the Stress Points

Building innovation management as a discipline requires us to take a closer look at the hurdles innovative firms face as they develop new products, services and partnerships but also at how those firms integrate the learnings from making tough choices. Andrew Gaule takes a look at building innovation culture as we manage through the stress points.

The Case for Innovation and Talent Management

As globalization of the world economy continues and accelerates, we are beginning a process of fundamental change in organizational design that will take us to configurations we cannot yet fully imagine. However, we can already see enough to identify major opportunities for organizations that want to exploit the benefits of these changes, even as they unfold.

How Partners React to an Open Innovation Strategy

I have cited Psion Teklogix, provider of rugged mobile computers, several times on my blog for their promising approach to open innovation. Last month, the company took a big step forward with its strategic interpretation of open innovation – called Open Source Mobility (OSM) – when it brought its global partners together for a series of conferences at which they unveiled a new platform designed to give resellers and developer partners the opportunity to co-create with Psion.

The Best Time to Innovate is all the Time

This week InnovationManagement spoke with Idris Mootee - worldwide strategic innovation advisor and CEO of the global strategic innovation and design firm, Idea Couture Inc. Read more about his views on innovation management and why he’s passionate about transforming large, complex, even successful organizations into innovative organizations.