Focused on building or leading a team (ex: “How do I keep my team engaged throughout the project lifecycle?”)

Innovative Ways of Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

Preventing harassment in the workplace isn’t a new problem, but it’s becoming something we discuss more often and more openly. Harassment can lead to distress, mental health issues and other overwhelming feelings—and on top of all that, it’s illegal.

Why Company Culture is Key to Innovation and Growth

In the world of business to get an edge over competitors, companies are required to constantly evolve their sales, marketing, hiring, and employee retention tactics to stay ahead. External pressures and threats from other companies push entrepreneurs to come up with new strategies and solutions to grow their businesses. There’s no way to succeed other than to innovate.

2021-12-20T10:21:53-08:00August 6th, 2019|Categories: Leadership, Organization & Culture|Tags: , , |

The Three Roles You Need to Have on Your Innovation Team

No matter the decade in which you grew up, the future promised one thing: flying cars. And yet generation after generation has been disappointed as our technological progress that has given us everything from angry birds to nanotechnology, but… still no Bladerunner vehicles.

How Cultural Norms Affect Innovation

The world is seemingly getting smaller. With the rise of social media in the last decade, everyone has constant access to what's happening all over the world. Countless stories circulate on the internet every day highlighting entrepreneurs---young and old---who are at the cusp of innovation with their new products and ideas. Some stories go viral, catching the eye of millions of people who are in awe at the individuals' innovative solutions to solve problems.

The Regulator Requires a Director of Innovation

Regulation has a critical role to play to protect customers and businesses operating in industries that are sensitive to various threats. In complex industries such as the financial industry, regulation is often perceived as a barrier and a burden.

3 Ways Businesses Are Improving Their Employee Value Proposition

Companies have to attract and retain top talent to remain competitive in a globalized world. Without a motivated workforce, they'll fail to meet their goals and achieve growth, year after year.

Willing to Innovate? Start with Improving on Culture!

It is neither the business models nor the products that are innovative, but rather the minds behind them. Hence, nurturing a culture where people are willing to generate and execute on creative ideas is an essential skill for every innovation leader.

How Businesses Can Better Support the Mental Health of Their Employees

To be successful, you must be the first one in and last one out. You must work extra hours, you must think about work, answer phone calls, reply to emails, even when you’re off the clock. You must put your personal life on hold to impress the boss. You must show your commitment to the company to ensure your place.

2021-12-20T08:15:45-08:00April 30th, 2019|Categories: Organization & Culture|Tags: , , |

5 Tips to Drive Innovation in Your Small Business

It’s a fast-paced business world out there where innovation is the name of the game and a powerful tactic that ensures long-term success. After all, if your company is not innovating and reinventing its processes across the board, then you’re falling behind.

3 Innovative Recruitment Techniques

It is likely that sooner or later (or even perhaps now) your business is going to be trying to fill an opening for a great job with an even greater candidate. For better or worse, there are a lot of great jobs out there, and it can be challenging for potential employees to find and apply to everything. This is exactly where human resources recruitment professionals can make a huge difference.