How Is Digital Innovation Changing Marketing?

In 2013, Adobe conducted a comprehensive research study and found that 76% of marketers believe that marketing changed more in the past 2 years than in the previous 50. Digital technologies were changing rapidly, impacting how marketers build their strategies and market to their audiences. Today, fast digital innovation has been replaced with the strategic implementation of new technologies in marketing.

Innovative Ways for Your Employees to “Always Be Learning”

One of the most significant investments any business can make is in its staff. This goes beyond the simple fact of paying for salaries and benefits, however — in order to be a truly valuable element of a company, employees must be genuinely nurtured.

Innovation Via the Customer Journey

Innovation is usually spoken of in relation to products, research, and development. However, every aspect of your business can be innovated. In fact, one of the most important – and often overlooked – is customer service. Innovative customer service helps you build loyalty, encourages repeat business, and can also bring in new buyers as they observe how you care for your consumers.

4 Ways Tech Is Innovating Ongoing Education for Businesses

Today's forward-thinking companies know that giving their employees access to ongoing education opportunities is an excellent way to prepare them to deal with changing circumstances in their industries.

Driving Exponential Online Growth by Creating and Reaching New Digital Customers

How can we succeed in the online world when it seems to be changing by the day? This article explores critical questions business leaders need to be asking themselves as they explore case examples and strategies that have been applied by others, examine how the technologies and capabilities of the ‘mobile first’ internet could evolve in the next few years and identify a set of practical actions they can adopt to drive exponential online sales growth.

3 Innovative Recruitment Techniques

It is likely that sooner or later (or even perhaps now) your business is going to be trying to fill an opening for a great job with an even greater candidate. For better or worse, there are a lot of great jobs out there, and it can be challenging for potential employees to find and apply to everything. This is exactly where human resources recruitment professionals can make a huge difference.

Defining and Demystifying Retail Experience Futures

It's that time of year, following the holiday excess many of our waistlines are looking a little fuller and our email inboxes are full of newsletters, including 2018 predictions and the key trends to consider.

Try Before You Buy – Virtually

Clothes buying, both in-store and online, is set to change with help from interactive and virtual assistants. Interactive mirrors, virtual changing rooms, a personalised fitting service and a mobile app all aim to help consumers find the clothes and the look they want more easily. They may also reduce costs for online retailers and help them reach new customers.

2019-10-15T15:09:19-07:00November 23rd, 2011|Categories: Blog Archive|Tags: , , , , , , |

Immersive Virtual Worlds as Innovation Platforms

Can you improve the innovation process as well as reducing the cost of engaging with users, developing new ideas and prototyping and testing solutions by making use of virtual environments? Jeffrey Philips and Jena Ball point the way.