Basic trends – things like “Top Innovation Leaders 2020”

Key Innovations that are Transforming the Supply Chain Industry

Technology is transforming every industry across the globe, and its effectively driving the business world forward as a whole. At the center of all of this is, of course, the bottom line, or the consumers, and how they benefit from the integration of tech solutions into the processes of their favorite brands.

2021-12-20T08:23:29-08:00May 22nd, 2019|Categories: Enabling Factors|Tags: , , , , , , , |

What Will our Children Do? 20 Jobs of the Future

Back in January 2010 we wrote a report for UK government on The Shape of Jobs to Come. The study highlighted new jobs that might emerge in the global economy by 2030 as a result of exponential developments and breakthroughs in science and technology. Many of those are now real jobs and the rest are still likely to materialise.

2021-12-20T08:14:34-08:00April 29th, 2019|Categories: Editorial, Trend Alert|Tags: , , , , |

20 Ways Business Meetings and Events Might Change in the Next Five Years

What are the key driving forces shaping the emerging future of business meetings, events, and conferences? The next five years promise to bring fundamental changes across society – from the clients we serve, to the technology we use, and the needs and priorities of business – literally everything is "up for grabs".

2021-12-17T13:11:28-08:00April 18th, 2019|Categories: Editorial, Organization & Culture, Trend Alert|Tags: , , |

5 Business Innovators of 2019

Innovation is what creates progress and change. Without the introduction of new ideas and processes, we'd never get any further in life than where we are right now. In business, specifically, innovation means changes to technology and the economy. By always releasing a new, better product, companies constantly up the game to be better in every field.

2021-12-17T13:10:52-08:00April 17th, 2019|Categories: Editorial, Leadership, Trend Alert|Tags: |

About Digital and Innovation – and What’s in Between

Digital and innovation - two big words that one defines, but are not always clear and precise. Many organizations of different sizes understand today that it is necessary to play in the Digital and Innovation fields in order to remain relevant, but it is not always clear how and how much.

How Is Technology Impacting the Financial Landscape?

Advancements in technology are the main cause of disruption across various industries these days. Technology brings numerous benefits and various opportunities for businesses. However, adopting and adjusting to new tech can oftentimes be quite challenging.

Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace – the Leadership Challenge

Technological disruptions are defining this era of rapid business transformation and driving a set of deep rooted questions about the future of work, the implications for organizations, management and employees and how we can navigate to the ‘next horizon’.