6 Mega-forces of Change that Affect Innovation

Today, there are six essential forces that are driving the changes that are occurring across much of today’s world. While these may not be the most pressing issues for your company, chances are that some combination of them will have a significant influence on your situation, on the strategic choices you make and thus on your approach to innovation.

Five Strategies to Light a Fire Under Your Innovation Program

How can we introduce a culture of radical innovation into our companies before we get to the brink of bankruptcy? Harvey Briggs shares strategies to make sure your company feels the heat before it's too late.

Action Plan for Rapid Innovation – Part 2

At Orange, the international mobile and fixed carrier issued from France Telecom, there is a strategy to diversify the services it offers to its users and has set up Orange Vallée as an external entity to drive innovation. Nicolas Bry tells us more about how the system works.

Is it Time to Rewrite the Innovation Playbook: Ten New Requirements in the Age of Hyperinnovation

In the world of hyperinnovation innovation itself is changing. In place of a monolithic R&D based innovation culture we suddenly have a proliferation of innovation approaches and new pressures on enterprises to innovate. Haydn Shaughnessy and Nick Vitalari argue the innovation playbook needs to be rewritten, and relabelled.