ODI Practitioner Insights: An Interview with Marco de Polo from Roche Diabetes Care

It is quite rare for a company to open up and offer a true and detailed insight into their unique practices and experiences on their path to becoming more customer-centric. However, Marco de Polo from Roche Diabetes Care does exactly this in this interview with Martin Pattera.

Creativity is key to organizational and individual sustainability, says Annalie Killian

Creativity is not only essential to the sustainability of organizations, it's also key to individual health and happiness, points out maverick woman Annalie Killian.

The Power of Provocative Questions for Creative Problem Solving

Many of us don't give questions a second thought. They're a part of how we gather information from others on a daily basis. But did you realize that asking yourself provocative, thought-provoking questions can be a powerful catalyst for creative problem solving? Here's how.

Improvisation is key to building a culture of innovation, says Doug Stevenson

By adopting the behaviors and principles of improvisation, organizations can achieve significant and robust cultural change in the direction of innovation, says creativity and improv expert Doug Stevenson.