Opportunity in Adversity: New Workplace Models in the Post-COVID World

COVID-19 and the resultant lockdown has effectively shattered the premise that people need to go to "office" to work. In an almost overnight digital shift, the entire workforce of companies shifted to remote work. Once the COVID threat is past, will we ever go back to business-as-usual?

The World has Changed: Is Your Organization Ready?

The COVID-19 epidemic has had a tremendous effect on many aspects of our lives and resulted in a significant change in the workforce, and on the very way that individuals and organizations work. Suddenly, without warning, it seems that the entire business world shifted to Zoom and its competitors in a day, since it offered a concrete solution to the challenges raised by the current crisis.

Let Culture Drive Online Innovation Teams

Online innovation teams need to be especially mindful of cultural sensitivities among members and adapt accordingly. Evidence suggests that cultural diversity is a major asset for innovation teams. Under remote operating environments, cultural awareness and sensitivity is of heightened significance, and appropriate practices need to be deployed.

Preparing a Team For Transition To Remote Work In COVID-19 Environment

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, many companies have implemented mandatory work-from-home policies to help contain the spread of COVID-19. While large companies have the resources and experience to foster a massive ‘home office shift’, smaller companies who have never implemented such policies before are facing numerous questions regarding this new work arrangement.

The Key Steps Innovation Professionals Should Take in a COVID-19 Environment

Obviously COVID-19 is having an enormous impact on all aspects of our lives, with the scope and scale of business disruption being immense and incredibly challenging. But disruption is what innovation people are generally excellent at responding to, so the question becomes - “how do you and your team support your organisations within this environment?”

The Day After the COVID-19

We are in the midst of a fascinating period. The most interesting thing is what will be in the day after. It’s going to be a process. There isn’t going to be a point in which we know that we are “after.” The process looks different in every country and the duration of the process will also be different.

Ideation in Times of Crisis

If you’re thinking about launching a crowdsourcing campaign to respond to some of these challenges brought about by COVID-19, now is a good time. We are all learning so much right now and so quickly. And everyone wants to help, so let them.

Coronavirus Crisis Only Heightens the Need for Innovation and Co-Creation

Those of us that work in the innovation management sector need no convincing of the benefits that it can bring to businesses and government departments all over the world. Adopting an innovative culture and approach allows an organisation to survive and thrive in the highly competitive modern business world and helps prevent them from becoming irrelevant or even obsolete.

8 Tips for Startup Entrepreneurs During COVID-19 Crisis

The coronavirus pandemic is turning out to be an international economic crisis, with ramifications for all industries and markets, similar to the crisis of 2008. A cross-border economic crisis affects companies large and small, challenging an organization's management and its employees.

Open Source Respirator and Low Cost Ventilator Efforts to Fight Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Calling all doctors, nurses, designers, engineers and designers: join one of the amazing Open Source Ventilator Projects to contribute your passion, creativity, time and expertise to help develop low-cost ventilators to fight the Coronavirus (COVID-19).