3 Ways to Reduce Costs While Maintaining Business Integrity

Integrity is regularly considered one of the top characteristics that a business leader can have — whether you're asking employees or CFOs. Sometimes, however, business integrity is considered a cost or burden — a commitment that is almost guaranteed to make a business harder to run over time.

He-Man can Teach You Powerful Lessons about how to Successfully Manage Continuous Innovation

The whiplash journey of Mattel’s beloved kids’ toy range perfectly sums up the fundamentals and key challenges of managing continuous, successful corporate innovation.

How to Make More Money in 2020

With the cost of living surging and wages staying flat, it can be tough to save up enough cash for all your needs and wants. But you don’t have to spend 2020 worrying about your bank account, you just need to get a little bit creative and to figure out how to put more money in your pocket.

5 Tips to Create a Strong Product Vision

Every startup and growth-oriented business needs to focus on innovation in order to come up with compelling brand stories and messages, engaging products and services, and amazing marketing tactics that will put the company on the map and allow it to become an authority in its niche.

2021-12-20T11:25:52-08:00January 28th, 2020|Categories: Strategies, Support for SMEs|Tags: , , , |

Positive Ways to Handle Employee Resignations

All good things come to an end. As an employer, this can ring true when your favorite employee springs up without warning, and tables a resignation letter. No matter the work environment you provide, there are things beyond your control that can see your employee of the year want to leave.

Five Principles of Innovation Measurement

What gets measured gets managed. Innovation is not serendipity; it’s a managed process of transforming novel ideas to achieve their business value. You can only manage what you measure.

Innovation Differentiators: Information and Implementation

What separates the great innovators from the industry laggards? What empowers long-standing hierarchical organizations like LEGO to make big, creative bets that pay off (like the LEGO Movie) while other once-great brands like Tower Records, Pan Am, or Pets.com have all gone away?

Improving Safety in Extreme Work Environments through IoT

Sustainability is a widely known concept. However, finding a balance for its three main pillars (society, economy, and environment) is not easy. Society demands that companies respect and protect the environment while generating benefit, improving the country’s economy and respecting every member of society. 

2021-12-20T11:23:34-08:00January 17th, 2020|Categories: News, Open Innovation|Tags: , , |

7 Psychological Facts That Help Understand Customers Better

Psychology is not only about human emotions. Understanding their behavior, nature, and finding out the behavioral patterns is the ultimate goal of psychological studies. And the best practices of psychology can drive sales for business too.

Directorates Pay a High Price for Ignorance

Of the many risks that directors should be aware of, innovation is the most complex. A corporation that invests in innovation risks failure. A corporation that doesn't invest in innovation risks annihilation due to the many threats from small startups and mega-corporations alike, in a variety of areas.

Quantum Computing, Zen Philosophy and Space-Time

The up-and-coming field of quantum computing, currently in a prototype phase, will probably be an innovation with exponential and wide-ranging impacts in the power and speed of information technology. There are some interesting parallels between the behavior of quantum computing particles, or qubits, and basic principles of Zen Buddhist philosophy. Like modern physics, this article employs a “space-time” concept of innovation, with implications for the process and intensity of new idea development within organizations.