Interplay of Innovation and Complexity

We hear often that smaller companies innovate better as they are more flexible, faster and creative as compared to larger organisations. This is all but half true. Its not the size of an organisation that decelerates the innovative pace-rather complexity. Hence organisations seeking sustainable growth need to find the balance between innovation and complexity.

A Better Approach to Creative Problem Solving

If you're faced with a challenge, chances are that the solution is just a little outside of the focus of your conscious attention. Dr. Win Wenger takes a look at popular methods of creative problem solving, and suggests a unique solution to improve your approach to it.

What do skeletons and innovation have in common?

Does disciplined innovation really create the big new idea? Do we need to allow for more "random creativity?"

Creativity as a Search for Meaning

Creativity is part of, and not necessarily separate from, our intellectual efforts, explains John Armato in this thought-provoking article about using creativity to make meaning in our lives.

Opinion: Innovation – Walk the Talk!

Most managers agree that innovation is the Nordic region’s last stronghold for competing in a global economy. Moreover, they are interested and fascinated by the thought of working systematically with innovation in order to gain a breakthrough to create growth and profitability for their organisations. But why then, is there so much talk and so little action, argue Gunnar Storfeldt (CEO) and Orren Shalit (Founder), S I T Scandinavia.

Use the Creativity of Users to Develop Better Innovations

There is an urgent need to rethink the way firms innovate. We need to change from a manufacturer-active perspective to a user-active perspective, according to professor Nikolaus Franke of Vienna University. The Lead user method, Toolkits for user innovation and Innovation communities. These are three ways that firms can apply to benefit from users innovativeness and create better innovations and more value and growth.

To be More Innovative, Think like a Venture Capitalist

The most innovative leaders have a mindset like that of a venture capitalist. They take a portfolio view of innovation projects. The venture capitalist will invest in a basket of different start-up companies, fully knowing that most will fail. A few might break even and one or two might be successes. But one big success can pay back the costs of all the failures. Even though he is smart, the VC does not know at the outset which ventures will succeed and which will fail so initially he backs them all. As time goes on he cuts funding for the failures and gives more to the winners.