Noah Rue is a writer, a digital nomad, an ESL teacher, and an all around good dude, if he doesn’t say so himself.
Noah Rue is a writer, a digital nomad, an ESL teacher, and an all around good dude, if he doesn’t say so himself.
It's been ten years since the Wall Street financial crisis, and the rich are still growing richer while the poor continue to grow poorer. Whether Republican, Democrat, or none of the above, income inequality is a deep-rooted economic issue in America.
Veganism is hitting the mainstream and leading the way as the future in business—especially in the realm of restaurants and fast food.
There is nothing innovative about understanding the need to increase your online presence for a more successful marketing campaign. Where the innovation lies, however, is in the methods you use to engage your audience and drive traffic to your business’ website.
The gig economy is no longer simply a phrase that individuals existing as professional outliers use to describe themselves. Instead, the gig economy describes a substantial, rapidly growing part of modern society. If you aren’t a part of it, the odds are you know someone who is.
External networking serves many purposes for a company, and modern digital marketing has become a combination of marketing, customer service, and public relations. Social media and other platforms also allow industry experts and organizations to engage in public conversation about important topics, so being involved and engaged in business and local communities is vital to a company’s success in order to appeal to modern socially conscious audiences.
Often managers make two distinct and completely opposite sets of mistakes when they’re tasked with managing highly creative employees. By means of their leadership approach, they either don’t acknowledge the uniqueness of their creative employees or they take the recognition too far and essentially create inappropriate expectations and division within their workplace.
Keeping employees and avoiding turnover has never been easy. There is no difference based on the amount of employees. Whether it’s a few dozen or a few hundred, trying to maintain and upkeep employee happiness takes dedication, persistence, and one strong cup of coffee (maybe two or three cups, if we’re being honest).
Retailers all over the United States are filing for bankruptcy at unprecedented levels. This is, in part, due to the ways the global economy has evolved. Now, more than ever, retailers are turning to the internet for sales, and consumer habits have adapted. Bankruptcy is an alarming and confusing process whether you’re a CEO of a large corporation or an individual who is worried about the implications it might have on your credit score.
Beer is one of the oldest alcoholic beverages. It was brewed around the ancient world at various times, in Mesopotamia (known today as Iraq), ancient Iran, ancient China, Egypt, and Armenia, ranging from 3,500 to 10,000 years ago. Beer was one of the first fermentation processes undertaken by humans.
Managing innovation is a big role that puts a lot of weight on the shoulders of management teams. Depending on how much a company cultivates an innovative culture and environment, innovative ideas either go through chains of command, or are workshopped in specific departments.
Medical technology is without a doubt the biggest innovation to the healthcare industry. It can be called the largest driving factor and is a key role in virtually every aspect of healthcare. It’s becoming more and more clear that medical technology is influencing the way we are thinking about healthcare—especially patient care and efficiency—and will continue to shape the industry for the foreseeable future.