Innovation Via the Customer Journey

Innovation is usually spoken of in relation to products, research, and development. However, every aspect of your business can be innovated. In fact, one of the most important – and often overlooked – is customer service. Innovative customer service helps you build loyalty, encourages repeat business, and can also bring in new buyers as they observe how you care for your consumers.

Driving Exponential Online Growth by Creating and Reaching New Digital Customers

How can we succeed in the online world when it seems to be changing by the day? This article explores critical questions business leaders need to be asking themselves as they explore case examples and strategies that have been applied by others, examine how the technologies and capabilities of the ‘mobile first’ internet could evolve in the next few years and identify a set of practical actions they can adopt to drive exponential online sales growth.

Packaging Innovation in the Digital Age: a Smarter User Interface?

Packaging is already a concentrated form of brand communication, expertly coded by designers using form, materials, colors and symbols to tell a brand story; or to make an innovation approachable and understandable. Now that packaging is becoming part of the digital revolution, how can we best enhance its communication potential?