Five Perspectives of Innovation Management Maturity

The success of innovation management is never an accident; it’s a holistic management process with an iterative thought-out planning and execution continuum.

The 3 C’s: Complex Problem Solving, Creativity and Critical Thinking – Core Soft Skills Required in the Workplace of the 4th Industrial Revolution

The next in our series on the 4th Industrial Revolution, from the Business Optimization Training Institute (BOTI). Start with Part I here.

How Can You Use Gamification to Boost Innovation?

A serious game based on innovation methodologies can be an extremely useful tool at different phrases of implementing innovation in a company. Let's take a look at how to implement gamification into your innovation strategy.

Five Innovation Workshop Questions

There are a lot of best practices that we recommend to our customers: start with the end in mind, adopt criteria to drive ideation, use at least seven channels to communicate with your end user, respond to ideas with positive feedback and questions. But there’s another piece of simple advice that we give to all of our customers when they’re preparing an innovation challenge: seed your community with a few ideas before you launch.

Five Strengths of Innovation Leaders

Highly innovative leaders need to share a clear vision, practice effective communication, and make a commitment to roll imagination into reality.

Do You Know Your Company’s Implementation Rate?

With the rise of the innovation department, numerous organizations are focusing their attention on their company’s ideation rate. A good ideation rate generally predicts other positive company health indicators: profitability, higher employee retention rates, reported customer success, but there’s another innovation health indicator that we think organizations should pay attention to: their implementation rate.

Start Here for Creative Leadership

How can leaders fight apathy or indifference in the workplace and create an environment where creativity and innovation can naturally flourish?

The Surprising Thing That’s Killing Your Creativity

Productivity and creativity fuel professionals as they make strides in their field. But small things can chip away at workflow, substantially impacting projects and presentations. Focus is an essential skill to exercise in the office, but it is in jeopardy because of one significant threat—distractions.

2021-12-17T12:54:29-08:00February 28th, 2019|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , , |

Zen Philosophy for Stretching Innovation Space-Time

The non-duality principle of Zen philosophy suggests a more intensive approach to the dimensions of innovation “space-time.” Business teams should stop following a simple sequential procedure in which new ideas are accepted or rejected almost as soon as they arise. Instead, they should take extra time and create a “learning space” or study environment for all of the new ideas in place of the typical reactive, judgmental, for-or-against decision-making process. Connections between these ideas may lead to further innovation opportunities.

Five Digital Profiles of Innovators

Organizations need to invest in the cultivation of capacity for innovation and recognize innovators with varying talent and strengths.

Four Ways to Manage Creative Employees

Often managers make two distinct and completely opposite sets of mistakes when they’re tasked with managing highly creative employees. By means of their leadership approach, they either don’t acknowledge the uniqueness of their creative employees or they take the recognition too far and essentially create inappropriate expectations and division within their workplace.