Customer-Centric Innovation? Sure, But With Which Customers?

Today, putting customers at the heart of innovation is a no-brainer for most business managers. However, should the innovation process involve all customers or only specific segments? In this article we explore the hurdles of these initiatives and propose a method to select the most relevant customers with whom to innovate.

Digital Tools and the Future of Remote Work

Until recently, remote work was somewhat of a rarity, and, at very least, something most people were unfamiliar with. One of the few COVID-19 silver linings, however, was that many companies were forced to have their employees work remotely due to stay-at-home orders. This meant more time with families, less time in transit, and, for a lot, a surprising sense of comfort at "the workplace."

Using Innovation to Improve Your McKinsey Organizational Health Index Score

2020 proved just how important our relationships to banks and credit unions are as they worked to rapidly respond to the changing financial needs of their customers.

The Future of Leadership Development Consulting is Here: a New Job is Emerging

The true basis of leadership is built upon a model generated by an X and Y axis. One side is the concept of leadership that creates change through a process-oriented approach, and the other as more of a relationship-oriented one.

Knowledge Management in the Era of the COVID-19 Crisis

Executives should look at three-step processes of knowledge accumulation, integration, and reconfiguration. This model for managing knowledge reflects a more strategic and practical perspective, as it is process-oriented and most applicable for leading organizations.

Why Let Others Disrupt You? Take the Smart Self-Disruption Journey!

In a time when uncertainty reigns, the fear of being disrupted can brutally hurt any business. Responsible leaders who dare to anticipate disruption and take steps to self-inflict it to their organization in a smart and controlled way are best positioned for the future.

Peace through Entrepreneurship: How Businesses Can Be a Force for Unity

Cyprus is politically divided, movement is restricted, and there are two different authorities and sets of laws. How can innovation and entrepreneurship thrive in such a polarized environment - and alternatively, how does that polarization drive innovation?