Human Creativity: The Critical Survival Skill of the 4th Industrial Revolution that Cannot be Automated

While 4th Industrial Revolution technologies are fast becoming the way to go in the world of the "new normal," they are driven by something far superior to robots: human creativity. Let's have a look at the importance of creativity in this article.

Four Ways to Innovate Right Now

While the pandemic has been difficult for all us economically, as business owners, we never run out of opportunities. No matter the business climate, there is always a chance to do something new and something better—you just have to find it.

All Good Technology Managers Are Transformational Leaders

Compared to other leadership styles, transformational leaders are better equipped to deploy information technology tools, products, and services. Let's take a deeper look at why transformational leadership sets you up for success in the tech world - both with managing teams and with understanding IT principles - in this article.

Five Aspects of Innovation Governance

The leverage point is to let innovation shine via effective governance discipline, but not adding too much complexity. In this article, we'll look at what innovation governance is, and practices to help you manage a successful innovation program.

A Successful Approach to Corporate Innovation: ‘The 8 Ps of Innovation’

The business environment is becoming increasingly complex. Organizations have lived in a stable environment for many decades. The competitive advantage resulted from executing better than competitors. This is no longer the case.

Opportunity in Adversity: New Workplace Models in the Post-COVID World

COVID-19 and the resultant lockdown has effectively shattered the premise that people need to go to "office" to work. In an almost overnight digital shift, the entire workforce of companies shifted to remote work. Once the COVID threat is past, will we ever go back to business-as-usual?

Knowledge Taxonomies That Every Executive Needs To Consider

In this article, we'll discuss different types of knowledge that should be considered and built upon when forming and managing a team driven toward success---including individual and collective knowledge.

The Skills Most In Demand for Management Consultants to Spur Knowledge and Innovation in Companies

Executives today are more focused on strategic management decision-making due to the hypercompetitive global environment as well as public and private sector evaluation and opinion. Public organizations are attempting to function as private profit-wise, while public companies have the Wall Street analysts continuously evaluating their every strategic move. It is important for management consultants to build a climate of openness for individuals to exchange ideas.

The World has Changed: Is Your Organization Ready?

The COVID-19 epidemic has had a tremendous effect on many aspects of our lives and resulted in a significant change in the workforce, and on the very way that individuals and organizations work. Suddenly, without warning, it seems that the entire business world shifted to Zoom and its competitors in a day, since it offered a concrete solution to the challenges raised by the current crisis.