Dr. Evans Baiya is an internationally recognized and trusted guide to business leaders and innovators. Using his 6-stage process, he helps the businesses identify, define, develop, verify, commercialize, and scale ideas so the businesses and individuals can learn, grow, and thrive.  He is the co-author of the award-winning book, The Innovator’s Advantage and co-creator of The Innovator’s Advantage Academy, a detailed step-by-step innovation training. Learn more at TheInnovatorsAdvantage.com.

How to Create Innovation Confidence During the Great Resignation

Do your employees feel confident at work right now? Or are you worried that the Great Resignation may impact your company? Take these steps to make sure that your focus on innovation is the reason employees stay, and not the reason they leave. 

Is Data Hindering Your Innovation Efforts? Five Data Missteps That Paralyze Innovation

Data can be a powerful enabler for innovation, but when used incorrectly, it can be a paralyzing force. It's a critical component in measuring and understanding the need for innovation—if you cannot measure something, you cannot improve it. Whether you collect data based on historical perspectives or through experiments, it can bring the insights needed for truly great innovations.

2021-10-18T19:04:04-07:00October 18th, 2021|Categories: Enabling Factors|Tags: , , |

How to Break the 5 Habits That Hurt Ideation

Many companies find it hard to prioritize ideation. Here are five ways to break the pattern and gather a wealth of ideas for your organization.

Create a Team of Master Problem Solvers

Problem-solving is an essential skill as an innovator. If problems stump your employees, how can your organization ever innovate for customers? Luckily, problem-solving skills can be learned, and as a leader you can create a team of master problem solvers and innovators.

6 Ways to Innovate Your Business Model 

The pandemic has given us all an opportunity to build a new business future. Market disruption equals opportunity for those willing to look and work for it. This is the time to adjust and innovate your business model to market conditions. 

Why Your Employees Are the Key to Recovery

In this article, we will look at how to identify and understand employee contributions, and learn how to work with idea generators, evaluators, and activators.

Four Ways to Innovate Right Now

While the pandemic has been difficult for all us economically, as business owners, we never run out of opportunities. No matter the business climate, there is always a chance to do something new and something better—you just have to find it.

How to Develop Innovative Leaders

There is no arguing that in today’s marketplace companies must innovate to survive. There is more pressure now than at any other time in history for innovation, especially if companies want to be industry leaders. This is because rapidly changing technology is continually driving changes in markets and shifting trends in customer behavior and expectations.