How Does your Business Stand to Benefit from Big Data?

Big data is becoming increasingly vital to business scaling and competition. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the three V’s of big data - volume, velocity, and variety - and discuss the many ways your company can benefit from incorporating big data into decision making, product development, audience analysis, and much more.

How Business Intelligence Software can Help you Increase Operational Efficiency

Business Intelligence software is an essential tool for analyzing your company's strengths and weaknesses. From inventory management, to accounting, to customer intelligence and beyond, there are many ways you can use BI software to inform your decision-making, increase operational efficiency, and gain a competitive edge.

The Dynamic Duo of Innovation: Ethnography and Big Data

The combination of Big Data and ethnographics can be a potent toolset for uncovering innovation opportunities, as a growing number researchers are discovering.

Engagement Is Key to Business Performance: Digital Innovation as Catalyst

Booz&Co wrote in their article “The Social Life of Brands” on Strategy+Business that the value of a brand is linked with the relationships it has with its customers, creating and retaining them. For marketing, its fundamental task is managing these relationships. In a recent research by Gallup the results were striking, a 240 percent boost in performance was achieved when both employees and customers were enaged. This is exactly, in a highly technological driven business environment, digital innovation is the catalyst that improves engagement and provide means to manage relationships better, faster and in a cheaper way though digital.

Why do Most Products Fail? 3 Techniques to Leverage Hidden Needs

Many managers want their organizations to develop breakthrough products and ask their R&D departments to come up with the equivalent of the iPod or iPhone. Unfortunately, the reality is that product failure is more common than success. So what are the reasons for product failure and what steps can companies take to avoid it?