What Are the Three C’s of Organizational Change?

I hadn’t thought much about health pathology innovation until we started to work with a statewide health pathology service in Australia. They provide pathology, forensic, and analytical services for hospitals and justice systems throughout their state.

Spotless: An Innovation Roadmap

Bridie Scott is an Innovation Manager at Spotless and she’s taken the business on a journey from a large-scale company with big goals to a company that is listening to and empowering all of their frontline employees in the innovation process.

How Can You Use Gamification to Boost Innovation?

A serious game based on innovation methodologies can be an extremely useful tool at different phrases of implementing innovation in a company. Let's take a look at how to implement gamification into your innovation strategy.

4 Ways Tech Is Innovating Ongoing Education for Businesses

Today's forward-thinking companies know that giving their employees access to ongoing education opportunities is an excellent way to prepare them to deal with changing circumstances in their industries.

Increasing R&D Spending Will Not Lead to Innovation, But This Will

In an analysis of high performance innovators (called in this article the “Global Innovation 1000”), researchers made a surprising discovery: “spending more money does not open the doors to innovation.”

How Education Can Advance and Innovate Your Business

Education is a powerful vehicle for professional growth. It’s now more affordable, and recent technological innovations have made it easier for employees to acquire and advance their skillsets.

International Education: The Importance of Knowledge for Business

An international education is an invaluable resource for developing new skills and knowledge. A study conducted by the Institute of International Education (IIE) has uncovered a connection between overseas learning and the critical skills demanded by today's employers.

Benefits of Gamification in Employee Online Training

Gamification in e-learning is not the same as playing online games: it essentially means adding game elements to non-game activities and processes; and even if actual games are involved, they will have a purpose and affect work positively.

Effectively shifting gears between the different phases of the Innovation Pipeline

Adventurous as the word innovation may sound, an innovation consultant’s job consists for a large part in de-risking the innovation process. In order for innovation to be a viable undertaking for any company, the outcomes of the innovation need to be maximized, while the risk involved needs to be contained as much as possible.

Crafting an Effective Employee Enrichment Program

Creating an employee enrichment program that actually lends itself to employees who are engaged is the backbone of a successful organization. A company can have the most innovative products and services under the sun, but if they do not also have employees who are supported and able to thrive, the company as a whole will wither.

Simple Ways to Increase Employee Satisfaction

If you are an HR expert, think of how secure your job would be if you were dealing with fully-satisfied employees. If your team members love and enjoy their posts, you will love yours as well. As stubborn as some employees can be, most of them would like it if you appreciate their efforts regularly. A happy employee will be productive and efficient, no question about that.

Do Healthcare Institutions Need a Chief Innovation Officer?

Everyone wants to think that their innovation program is going to change the world and that feeling persists, because successful innovation programs can have enormous real-world returns. Businesses can save millions of dollars, new business models can disrupt markets, but some of the most impactful innovation efforts are genuinely in the healthcare space. Not only does healthcare innovation overall save the system money (for every dollar spent on innovative medicines, total healthcare spending is reduced by $7.20) but it also has the power to truly save lives as evidenced by research that states “between 1980 and 2010, medical advancements helped add 5 years to U.S. life expectancy.”

Empowering Women Will Innovate Your Company

Female empowerment has been a hot topic in the business community over the years. Female entrepreneurship is rising steadily, and conversations will steer toward this theme increasingly as women entrepreneurs expand their influence in the marketplace.