Focused on founding and building / developing a company or enterprise, or creating a new department within their company, or even starting a new project or program

Do You Know Your Company’s Implementation Rate?

With the rise of the innovation department, numerous organizations are focusing their attention on their company’s ideation rate. A good ideation rate generally predicts other positive company health indicators: profitability, higher employee retention rates, reported customer success, but there’s another innovation health indicator that we think organizations should pay attention to: their implementation rate.

So You Think You Know Your Competitors? Think Again.

A brand-new car sold by a vending machine and a robot that brings in the laundry - in this article, we'll explore how to prepare for new competitors entering the market.

The Power of Crowdsourcing as a Service

The Food and Drug Administration in the US has a lot of responsibility to protect and advocate for consumers. And one department in the FDA, the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), regulates over-the-counter and prescription drugs, including biological therapeutics and generic drugs.

How Going Green Can Help Your Profits and the Environment

The scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change only grows stronger. The most recent word from scientists is that the present warming of the globe is "unprecedented" in the last 2,000 years. Some 99% of scientists stood in agreement on this in 2011, and now the scientific community has declared there's "no doubt left" that human activity is warming the earth.

How Are Innovative Learning Platforms Influencing the Future of Work?

Technology has been transforming the workplace for some time now. The traditional education system was formed in the heat of the industrial revolution and many would say is obsolete nowadays. It was primarily meant to create a workforce that was only fit to perform one task for the rest of their working lives. Motivation has obviously shifted from those times towards more engaging, complex, and fulfilling work.

A Strategic Approach to Starting a Successful Innovation Program

I’ve recently been advising a range of leaders in how to start successful innovation programs. A couple are relaunches of efforts that were abandoned in the past, and others are starting from scratch in organizations (and sectors) that are more comfortable with the status quo.

How Cultural Norms Affect Innovation

The world is seemingly getting smaller. With the rise of social media in the last decade, everyone has constant access to what's happening all over the world. Countless stories circulate on the internet every day highlighting entrepreneurs---young and old---who are at the cusp of innovation with their new products and ideas. Some stories go viral, catching the eye of millions of people who are in awe at the individuals' innovative solutions to solve problems.

Innovate for Expertise: 5 Ways To Expand Your Skill Set & Job Potential

In a competitive work environment, it’s up to you to move your career forward. You have to be proactive and continually refine your skill sets to advance and thrive. The corporate climb is always evolving, and staying on top of the latest trends in the business world is key to ensuring that you enjoy many years of success and growth.

2021-12-20T08:34:00-08:00June 19th, 2019|Categories: Training & Education|Tags: , |

Driving Exponential Online Growth by Creating and Reaching New Digital Customers

How can we succeed in the online world when it seems to be changing by the day? This article explores critical questions business leaders need to be asking themselves as they explore case examples and strategies that have been applied by others, examine how the technologies and capabilities of the ‘mobile first’ internet could evolve in the next few years and identify a set of practical actions they can adopt to drive exponential online sales growth.

Startup Ideas are NOT Inspired on the Spur of the Moment!

Based on research in the market and in many countries, I tried to figure out the exact mechanism by which startup ideas are created. Aim is to facilitate and expedite this process for would-be entrepreneurs. Is it mainly a matter of brainstorming effort or are external factors at play?