Basic trends – things like “Top Innovation Leaders 2020”

How Technology is Changing the Role of Librarians

The most significant historical change in the library field was the introduction of stacks in the early 20th century. The prominent structures used to house and protect tomes are a familiar sight for library patrons. For many, the idea of entering a library without seeing an immense collection of books is unthinkable. Despite this, a New York public library attempted to do just that. However, the engineers tasked with planning the project immediately opposed the concept, opting for a renovation that would leave a significant portion of the book collection on-site.

2021-12-15T07:06:15-08:00June 21st, 2018|Categories: Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , , |

How to Keep Up With Constantly Changing Technology

Technology is a double-edged sword. On the brighter side, we have ever-changing and improving features because of the rapid evolution of technology. On the other hand, this very pace of technology and the rate at which it is getting updated can cause both developers and users to be left out and outdated if they do not keep up.

2021-12-14T16:00:58-08:00May 25th, 2018|Categories: Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , , , , , |

The Future of Database Technology

Disruptive database technologies have mandated retailers to innovate to keep up with market trends and competition. While this may seem costly, it's the only way businesses can stay relevant. Project managers are expecting a higher return and lower costs on technology projects.

5 Innovative Technologies of the 21st Century

The researchers and engineers of the 21st century have produced marvels such as personalized hover boards, self-driving cars and, of course, the societally pervasive smartphone. While the devices are commonplace now, just a decade and a half ago they were unfathomable.

The Value of Innovation at a Time of Crisis

We often talk about the role of innovation in an age of constant, radical disruption, as defined by the 4th industrial revolution. Within this new environment, innovation leaders should play an essential role in helping the organization thrive and drive growth.

Why Innovation is the Key to Improving Our Healthcare System

In the United States, American citizens receive treatments for diagnoses that at one time meant certain death, and they enjoy the longest lifespans in recorded history. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that its National Prevention Strategy centers on preventative medicine, an outcome that is greatly promoted by current legislation and technological advancement.

3 Ways Technology Will Change The Way We Live In The Future

What we know as a home today is nothing remotely like what homes looked like just 100 years ago. We have central air, natural gas heating, and many other modern amenities that our ancestors could never imagine. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that in another century, houses won't look foreign to us, as well.

2021-12-14T15:45:46-08:00April 5th, 2018|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , |

How Creativity & Innovation Is Being Used To Improve Society

Creativity and societal problems have not always been closely associated. In the national dialogue, fixing these problems involves a series of concrete steps—steps designed to create concrete processes and repeatable outcomes.

Direct to Consumer Disrupting Established Markets

In 2010, the Gillette brand, which is owned by Proctor and Gamble, held 70% of the U.S. market for razors. It boasted continuous innovation in product design, and enjoyed a gross margin of around 60%. Its market share has now slid to around 50%. It has suffered at the hands of two start-up companies, which went direct to consumer (DTC). They are Harry’s and Dollar Shave Club.

2021-12-14T15:34:47-08:00March 19th, 2018|Categories: Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , , |

How the World of Esports is Taking Over Streaming Services

As competitive gaming raises in popularity, streaming services are being flooded by gamers. When the world's most iconic gaming tournaments go live, viewers from around the globe travel to arenas and tune into streaming services so they can watch their favorite gamers battle for eternal glory and riches.

2021-12-14T15:16:35-08:00February 22nd, 2018|Categories: Trend Alert|Tags: , , , , , , |

Hey Interface, What’s New?! – Conversational Commerce: People, Problems and Pitfalls

Apple’s anticipated addition to the Smart Speaker conversation will be released on Friday. Much as been said about this speaker and the broader commerce implications resulting from the confluence of voice recognition and AI technology. A confluence dubbed as conversational commerce by Uber’s Chris Messina in a piece published on Medium in 2015.

10 Innovations That Will Make Your Business Greener

More so now than ever, people are holding businesses accountable for the effect they have on the environment. With many areas experiencing the consequences of climate change, people are supporting companies with green initiatives. What can your business do to help the environment and your customer acquisition and retention? Here are 10 innovations that will make your business greener overall.

How Big Data is Sure to Give Your Business a Competitive Edge

Just like oil became a valuable commodity in the 20th century, data is also proving to be priceless to companies and business organizations in the 21st century. Data analysis specialists have projected that by the end of 2020, business enterprises will have data amounts equivalent to 44 zettabytes, or 44 trillion gigabytes.