Innovate to Thrive –The Importance of Inspiration

This is the first in a series of articles that take the need of Innovation under the loop and share some of the imperatives, must have’s if you will, to create and sustain “NEW” in business or organizations. The material is based on 25 years of hands on experience in the innovation space and the recently published book “Robert's rule of innovation”.

Fundamental Principles for Innovation – What’s Your Opinion?

In this article, Heinz Essman, contributing editor from South Africa, introduces a set of proposed fundamental principles for innovation. It is indeed a proposal and we are very interested in hearing your views on this. Welcome to read and then visit the to share your views and discuss with like-minded.

Innovation strategy: Praise the behaviors you want to see

If you want to change the culture of the organization then one of the best ways to do it is to praise the behaviors you want to see. If you want your people to be more adventurous, more entrepreneurial and more innovative then make a point of singling out for recognition those people who are acting like that, says Paul Sloane.

2021-12-01T13:35:28-08:00April 6th, 2010|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Innovation lessons from Silly Putty

In times like these, many people are waiting for better times to take action, to try new things or to create change but that is not the solution. To succeed, you must act, seek and welcome change and go beyond the norm, today. Here are 8 lessons from Silly Putty on how you can "eggceed" expectations.

The Critical Role of Trust in the Innovation Process

The innovation process requires considerable amounts of trust. The innovation process involves risk both for the firm running the process and employees participating in the process. Jeffrey Baumgartner outlines some practical ways to increase the level of trust, and therefore the level of innovation, in your firm.

Prospect Theory, Risk and Innovation

Start-up companies are almost synonymous with innovation, while the well established companies are usually perceived as being risk averse and much less innovative. In this article Jeffrey Baumgartner uses Prospect Theory to better understand how executives perceive risk and innovation opportunities.

Innovation Strategy: Are your Ideas Audacious Enough?

In most business ideas, there is a direct correlation between how audacious and risky an idea is and its innovativeness and reward potential. In this article, Jeffrey Baumgartner explores the relationship between audaciousness, risk and reward, and provides some advice on what the right mix is.

7 Strategies for Sustained Innovation

Sustained innovation comes from developing a collective sense of purpose; from unleashing the creativity of people throughout your organization and from teaching them how to recognize unconventional opportunities. Here are seven strategies for sustaining innovation in your organization.

Innovation: Creating the best practices of tomorrow

The best way to create value is to innovate your way ahead of the competition. You need to create temporary monopolies where yours is the only show in town. You can do this by harnessing the creative power of your greatest asset, your people. The goal is to turn them into opportunistic entrepreneurs who are constantly looking for new ways of doing business.