Do You Know Your Company’s Implementation Rate?

With the rise of the innovation department, numerous organizations are focusing their attention on their company’s ideation rate. A good ideation rate generally predicts other positive company health indicators: profitability, higher employee retention rates, reported customer success, but there’s another innovation health indicator that we think organizations should pay attention to: their implementation rate.

The Power of Crowdsourcing as a Service

The Food and Drug Administration in the US has a lot of responsibility to protect and advocate for consumers. And one department in the FDA, the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), regulates over-the-counter and prescription drugs, including biological therapeutics and generic drugs.

Digital Factory of the Incumbent: Software of the Mind

This paper was originally published on, the 11th of September, 2018. Republished here with permission from the author.

Technological changes are one of the leading advocators to shape customer value. They are characterized by a process of social technological variations, rooted in different disciplines e.g., economics, sociology, and psychology.

Taking an Audience-Centric Approach During the Tech Adoption Lifecycle

Most marketing professionals understand that insight into the hearts and minds of your customers is central to successful product innovation. But which customers? Who is going to buy my product first? What happens after that? How can I eventually grow my customer base to one billion people?

What can Process Automation do for Your Business?

As they say, there is a time and place for everything, and that goes for implementing process automation in your business as well. Automation can be very productive. However, not all processes are meant to be automated. Want the details? Keep reading.

4 Stages for Innovation Refinement

If you’re in charge of innovation, it means that you’re constantly being surprised. Not just because technology and trends are emerging that are impacting your business in new and unexpected ways, but almost every project that you’re working on continues to evolve and improve over time.

The Six Step Innovation Lifecycle

Innovation isn’t a one-time project. It’s a continuous activity. Which is why we are seeing numerous organizations adding an innovation department to their company infrastructure. In fact, in a recent survey of our client base, we were surprised to learn that almost 40% of our customers operate out of a dedicated innovation group.

Security and Innovation Management

Systems security is one of the top five concerns for business executives this year. In the past two years, we’ve had some very troubling and very public data breaches of systems that we use every day. So it’s no wonder that the government (and other sectors) are prioritizing security for cloud software this year. But why are they doing it? Well, there are four key reasons that security matters for innovation management systems in particular:

The Innovator’s Dilemma: Lessons from Kodak

I guess everyone knows the tragic story of the EastmanKodak Company: founded in the 19th century, dominating the photographic film market during most of the 20th century and finally collapsing into bankruptcy in the early 21st century, shaken by a new technology they had once decisively initiated.

How to Make Your Design Thinking Program Turn Into Something Real

Why do a large part of the design thinking projects in the corporate world never pass through the prototype phase? In recent years I’ve been involved with many design thinking initiatives. Many of them related to the development of new products inside large companies in industries such as finance, health, education and consumer goods.

How Business Intelligence Software can Help you Increase Operational Efficiency

Business Intelligence software is an essential tool for analyzing your company's strengths and weaknesses. From inventory management, to accounting, to customer intelligence and beyond, there are many ways you can use BI software to inform your decision-making, increase operational efficiency, and gain a competitive edge.