How Improvisational Techniques can Benefit Innovators

The techniques of improvisational performance can be applied in helpful ways to any situation where people are collaborating to innovate or build something, says improv expert Kat Koppett.

Ideas Move The world!

Are you someone who is always coming up with great ideas? If not, do you think it's possible to learn and train to become a better idea worker? IMD Professor Bill Fischer believes you can.

A Practical Method of Using Patents to Stimulate New Product Ideas

We often think patents are the domain of legal counsel or technical experts but, in fact, if you have some patience and perseverance, they can reveal all sorts of ideas, insights, and market and technical knowledge that will stimulate your own new product ideas, and all at no cost to you, explains John Aceti.

How to Communicate the Value of Idea Management

The success of an organization's idea management program is at the mercy of its supporters - the employees. The innovation team and top management must effectively communicate their goals to employees so they understand what's expected of them and feel confident that their ideas will be taken seriously. Enno Scholz walks us through this communication process.

Salvador Dali’s Surrealist Paintings: A Surprising Catalyst for Creative Solutions

The way that Salvador Dali, the famous surrealist painter, approached the subjects of his paintings holds within it some important lessons for those of us seeking creative solutions.

How to Make an Ideas Community Work: Defining the Roles

Ideas communities are a hot topic but do you really know how to make them work effectively? Doug Collins brings his experience as a community manager to bear on the roles and resources needed to catalyze great ideas.

When you Need Breakthrough Ideas, Consider Anti-conventional Thinking

When you need to develop ideas, don't just focus on generating a large quantity of them. The originality of them is even more important. That's when you should consider Jeffrey Baumgartner's anti-conventional thinking technique.

Who is in Control of Your Innovation Process?

Who is in control of your innovation process? If it is not management, your process will go nowhere, warns Jeffrey Baumgartner. Sadly, many companies launch half-baked innovation initiatives and hand control over to ill-trained managers, consultants, customers and even the general public.

9 Practices for Cultivating Creative Aliveness

Are you looking for a way to feel more creatively vital, more alive? Here are nine practices that can help you to cultivate your creative self.

How to Leap over the Shortcomings of Traditional Group Brainstorming

Brainstorming can be effective if it is performed properly. In this article, Jeffrey Baumgartner explores some of the weaknesses of traditional brainstorming and explores several potentially fruitful alternatives.

Personal Innovation: We Need to Stop and Think

Innovation experts love to make lists of obstacles to innovation. These lists include issues like lack of time, resistance to change, poor communication, middle management and so on. Employees like to cite obstacles such as these in part because they place the blame on the organisation and their mangers rather than on themselves. And, indeed, can you imagine a middle manager responding to a questionnaire on obstacles to innovation with the answer: “Why, I believe I am a major obstacle to innovation in this firm.”? But the truth is, possibly the biggest obstacle to innovation is simply that people do not stop and think!