Why Diversity is the Mother of Creativity

Diversity is the key to creativity. Not just diversity in your workforce, but in your personal life, the teams you form and the managers whom you hire and promote, explains Jeffrey Baumgartner.

Embrace Mistakes as a Source of Learning and Invention

How does your company deal with mistakes? If continuous learning from your employees, innovation and even breakthrough innovation are important to you, it is critical you embrace mistakes, at least as sources for learning and invention.

Do you encounter resistance to creativity at work? Try guerrilla creativity

Have you ever been on a course, say project management, leadership or even assertiveness and then wondered why you had such a hard time dealing with colleagues or perhaps loved ones when you returned?

Improvement is NOT innovation

Improvement is not the same thing as innovation. Unfortunately, the media and even many business leaders tend to use the terms almost interchangeably. Patrick Lefler explains the significant differences between the two concepts.

Tips to spark your creative genius at work

Imagine showing up to work each day truly happy that you are there, getting energy from your colleagues, having fun in meetings, feeling like what you do counts. It is possible. You just have to create the conditions that help you to spark your creative genius.

The Power of Provocative Questions for Creative Problem Solving

Many of us don't give questions a second thought. They're a part of how we gather information from others on a daily basis. But did you realize that asking yourself provocative, thought-provoking questions can be a powerful catalyst for creative problem solving? Here's how.

How Biases, Prejudices and Ignorance can Quietly Undermine Innovation

The missing ingredient of innovation may lie in the human ability (or lack thereof) to see the world from someone else's perspective and take action on the insights that this ability can reveal.

How to increase your odds of serendipity with Twitter

Twitter is a great tool for serendipity. How can you increase your odds of bumping up against great ideas there that you can potentially use in your business?

10 tips for finding creativity later in life

Middle age can be a marvelous time in our lives, if we let it. It can actually be a phase of life in which our creative energies catch fire, when we can truly make a difference in the world with our ideas, art, music and other forms of self-expression. Here are 10 tips for finding your creative muse later in life.

2021-12-01T13:51:15-08:00July 6th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |