Harnessing Corporate Activism To Transform A Pharmaceutical Giant with Celine Schillinger

When Céline Schillinger looked around her workplace she saw that the system didn’t value the diversity of competencies that different people could bring. They were being wasted. The system was focusing on a very narrow bandwidth of talents and always promoted the same kind of people, coming from the same background, and with the same kind of thinking. She decided to do something about it. Céline was called a troublemaker by her bosses, but thanks to her passion to grow and improve on rigid corporate systems, she was awarded Woman of the Year — La Tribune Women’s Awards in 2013. Céline is now the Head of Quality Innovation & Engagement at Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of the multinational pharmaceutical company Sanofi.

Inventing The Future with Business Model Innovation with Alex Osterwalder

Are we still stuck in the innovation processes of the last century? On this week’s episode, Alexander Osterwalder looks at some of the fundamental problems in industries such as banking or pharmaceuticals and why the value propositions of today are not very satisfying for customers. Alex explains why the time has come to create new organizational structures and add a space where new business models and new value propositions can thrive.

Building An Industry-Leading Innovation Engine with Trish Malarkey

Trish Malarkey is the Head of Research and Development at Syngenta, a company that has become a global leader in agribusiness by bringing farmers improved crop solutions. Trish has extensive technical knowledge in biology, chemistry, and biotechnology. Combining her expertise with her leadership position at Syngenta, Trish offers highly valuable insights that are both unique and eye-opening. Discover how to manage and create an innovative environment for a talented team of scientists on this week’s episode.

Creating a Practice of Lifelong Learning with Pamay Bassey

Pamay Bassey is a multi-talented professional with deep expertise in learning theories derived from artificial intelligence research and practical experience designing and developing highly-rated learning solutions. In this week’s episode of the Innovation Ecosystem Podcast Pamay discusses how she went from employee to entrepreneur to intrepreneur, and how to provide engaging opportunities for employees where they feel like they’re being challenged or learning new things on a regular basis.

Disrupting Finance From Within a Leading Swiss Bank with Dave Bruno

David Bruno is Head of Innovation for a large Swiss Bank, and the co-founder of YNOME, a transparent marketplace that rates your financial management providers and helps you assemble your own private bank. David is innovating the fintech industry and discusses how he builds trust and transparency in an industry that’s notoriously very hush-hush and filled with regulations. He also provides insights into how he builds a diverse, multifaceted team to successfully innovate for the millennial market.

The Science of Innovation with Amantha Imber

Amantha Imber is the Founder of Inventium, a company that uses science-based innovation to help organizations unlock their growth. Amantha has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry such as Coca-Cola and Disney, and is the author of The Creativity Formula: 50 Scientifically-proven Creativity Boosters for Work and for Life. On this episode, Amantha discusses how to encourage a risk-taking company culture that isn’t afraid to fail in the name of innovation, as well as what she personally looks for in a new hire.

The Untold Story Behind Switzerland’s Success with James Breiding

Switzerland – a tiny country with few natural advantages – has become incredibly successful in the world of banking, pharmaceuticals, machinery, and more. James Breiding, author of the bestselling book, Swiss Made, explores the enabling factors for innovation in Switzerland. He makes the point that when an entrepreneur comes up with a new and innovative method or product, there will be resistance from those who have accepted the status quo. Entrepreneurs as well as intrapreneurs need to have thick skin if they wish to disrupt the market.

Riding the S-Curve with Whitney Johnson

“Companies don’t disrupt, people do,” says Whitney Johnson, who is best known for her work on driving corporate innovation through personal disruption. She discusses the four things that help you know whether you’re on the right or wrong S-curve and shares examples of how to disrupt a constraint in a company environment. Tune in for more insightful advice.

Innovation Powered by Mind and Machine

Research and analytics have changed tremendously in recent years. With new technologies, advanced software and a global marketplace, the solutions are becoming much more complex. In this Innovation Ecosystem podcast Mark Bidwell speaks with Marc Vollenweider, CEO of Evalueserve, a company that offers innovative and disruptive solutions to their clients’ problems. Marc has a genuinely unique perspective on the changes taking place in various industries and offers a lot of advice, for leaders as well as those working for more traditional and regulated firms, on how they can successfully navigate through these disruptive waters.

Creating an Innovation Network with Rob Wolcott

As Co-Founder & Executive Director of the Kellogg Innovation Network (KIN) and a Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Rob Wolcott knows a bit about networking and the politics of innovation. In this episode of Innovation Ecosystem Rob shares practical advice for intrapreneurs who are looking to get stuff done from within the middle of the organization. And for growth leaders of businesses, he also has some great tips about where to get your inspiration!

The Leadership Mindset: Disciplined Collaboration, Followership and Purpose

What makes a successful leader? Is there a secret formula for outstanding leadership above and beyond natural charisma? This is one of the golden questions that every HR manager and business owner wants to know. In fact, countless books and articles have been written on the subject. Emmanuel Gobillot is a leading author and speaker on the fundamentals of effective leadership and in this interview with Mark Bidwell he shares key insights about cultivating the leader's mindset.

Killing Companies with Lisa Bodell

Don’t let the title scare you off, that’s right, ‘killing your company’ is about making space for positive change and it’s not as hard or painful as it may sound. Just ask Lisa Bodell. She is a forward-thinker who developed processes to clean out the unnecessary bits from work places. It’s like feng shui for your business processes. In this engaging interview with Mark Bidwell—an executive intrapreneur turned entrepreneur—Lisa shares why identifying problems, getting rid of things and simply stop doing things to begin with creates bandwidth for an organization to grow and successfully change with the times.

2020-04-01T11:51:07-07:00August 19th, 2016|Categories: Innovation Ecosystem, Leadership, Podcast|Tags: , , , |

Forward Focus Podcast with Lars Percy Andersson

Senior Editor and Special Communication Projects Lead at IIR USA, Marc Dresner interviewed Lars Percy Andersson, Founder and CEO at InnovationManagement.se in order to discuss how companies approach the process of managing innovation. In this brief podcast they discuss strategies such as corporate acquisition and how to approach culture change in order to benefit innovation.

2019-10-15T15:21:19-07:00March 24th, 2015|Categories: Podcast|Tags: |