Basic trends – things like “Top Innovation Leaders 2020”

Security and Innovation Management

Systems security is one of the top five concerns for business executives this year. In the past two years, we’ve had some very troubling and very public data breaches of systems that we use every day. So it’s no wonder that the government (and other sectors) are prioritizing security for cloud software this year. But why are they doing it? Well, there are four key reasons that security matters for innovation management systems in particular:

5 of America’s Best Innovation Labs

The innovation that goes on within American corporations is truly breathtaking. Of course, many of the best innovation labs require the immense resources of powerful companies, but at their heart, these labs all succeed when two components come together: the right people and the right ideas.

Top Three Blogs on Innovation Talent

Innovation is a hot topic today. No wonder that there are numerous blogs on the subject. In a fascinating report, CapGemini found that “difficulty finding the right people to drive innovation efforts was the number one constraint to innovation success.” So we assumed there would be lots of good advice in these blogs on the people side of innovation ‑ innovation talent, leadership and teams. We set out, full of enthusiasm, to find the best blogs on innovation talent.

2021-12-14T13:13:27-08:00August 15th, 2017|Categories: Report, Trend Alert|Tags: |

How Big Data is Optimizing City-Life Efficiency

A city without traffic jams seems like a far-fetched dream that most people would not even believe in. Many would say the same about air pollution as well since breathing in clean and fresh air in the cities is something that most have not really experienced. Well, you might be surprised, but big data could be the solution to all of these problems that modern cities face.

The 5 Most Innovative Renewable Energy Sources

As our population grows and we use more natural resources than ever, the issue of renewable energy sources becomes ever more pressing. Innovation isn’t only important in the business world, it’s also crucial for ensuring the future of our planet.

The 6 Best Video Streaming Tools for Tech Businesses

With video streaming becoming more and more popular, advancements have made networking much easier and simpler for technology businesses. In addition, they have also become a lot more affordable and practical to use. As tech companies begin to grow, the demand for such tools will also grow, and developers of data streaming tools know this. With that in mind, it is much easier to find many options for streaming tools.

Hold Innovation & Mobilize National Entrepreneurialism

We are over flooded with massive innovation lacking commercialization; we have qualifications, certifications and degrees but seriously lacking directions; we have incubators and accelerators exhausted like real estate projects…we have make-believe economical development games but the real progress is not there. So what else we need?

How Big Data Will Influence the Insurance Industry

Although the advent of Big Data stands to benefit several industries, the insurance sector has a clear advantage in terms of leveraging technology to benefit not only its bottom line but also its customers. To a great extent, the insurance industry was one of the earliest adopters of Big Data; over the last few decades, actuaries and statisticians have been reviewing large data sets and preparing analytical reports for underwriters who in turn make decisions about coverage and premium rates.

2021-12-14T12:53:46-08:00July 12th, 2017|Categories: Trend Alert|Tags: , , , , , |

Real Management Applications of Big Data

Big Data has had a big impact on the competitive landscape. Businesses that have embraced this explosive technology of digital media are better positioned to market faster with products and services that satisfy customers' needs adequately. Wise management of time is very critical in staying ahead of the competition. Utilizing Big Data solutions in processing digital data is one way of enabling managers or organizations and business owners to make quick, informed decisions that streamline efficient business operations. Here is an analysis of some of the real management applications of Big Data:

How Big Radical is Reclaiming Design

Nobody doubts that design can be powerful. But while words and phrases like ‘design thinking,’ ‘agile’ and ‘lean’ may be officially welcome in the boardrooms of Deloitte, Accenture, PWc, McKinsey and similar firms, I believe that the full potential of design has been neglected and these terms misappropriated.

Fintech Innovations to Follow in the Future

Fintech has been one of the most talked-about topics in technological innovation lately, paving the way for revolutions in the financial sphere. The Bank of England announced last year that they would be looking to boost fintech development, indicating keen interest from financial giants. In this article, we’ll look at a few of the many recent innovative developments in fintech.

2021-12-14T08:02:06-08:00May 18th, 2017|Categories: Trend Alert|Tags: , , , |

Florence: Lessons from a Global Innovation Hub

While discussing innovative cities, one can’t help but think about those that were major catalysts for change in the past: Athens, Istanbul, Hong Kong, and Florence, for example. But how do they compare to more modern innovation hubs such as Silicon Valley, London, or Singapore? In this article, we’ll look at Florence - and 10 recognizable and applicable elements that contributed to its success throughout the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. We’ll also look at how Florence spurs innovation today.

7 Ways to Appeal to Your Customers through IoT

To understand the impact of IoT on customer service you first need to know what it is. Briefly defined, IoT is a system of interrelated devices, digital machines, and objects that have unique identifiers. All these entities also have data transfer capabilities over networks without the need for human/human or human/computer interaction. In this article, we'll explore how you can redefine and improve customer relationships through IoT.