Innovative Ways for Your Employees to “Always Be Learning”

One of the most significant investments any business can make is in its staff. This goes beyond the simple fact of paying for salaries and benefits, however — in order to be a truly valuable element of a company, employees must be genuinely nurtured.

Four Innovation Themes from Open Nation 2019

Every year, IdeaScale hosts innovation leaders and creative thinkers from around the world in a global summit that shares innovation best practices. These leaders share success stories, failures, challenges, and solutions as they get to know each other so that they can call on one another throughout the year (long after the event is over).

How Eco-Friendly Businesses Can Improve Their Online Marketing Efforts

Eco-friendly businesses are gaining popularity among consumers who value companies that promote sustainability and corporate responsibility. However, the problem facing a lot of these companies is reaching potential customers who aren’t actively seeking out environmentally conscious businesses.

Using Modern HR Tools to Gamify Training Programs

Corporate training is rarely considered to be fun. It’s mostly seen as a necessary evil that serves to notify the new recruits of everything that they need to be aware of when they first start working for a company. It doesn’t have to be this way, and it shouldn’t be this way. Technology has come a long way, and new employee training software is here to make training programs easier to create and learn from.

2021-12-20T11:10:01-08:00November 21st, 2019|Categories: Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |

Five Perspectives of Innovation Management Maturity

The success of innovation management is never an accident; it’s a holistic management process with an iterative thought-out planning and execution continuum.

Top 5 Innovative Trends in Event Management

Whether you operate as a small-scale startup and visit conferences and seminars personally or are looking for ways to innovate within your own event management process, implementing new and interesting trends into the pipeline can prove highly beneficial.

The Boring Parts of Digital Innovation, or 3 Reasons Why Testing Matters

When it comes to innovation in an enterprise setting, the majority of attention usually goes to all the exciting things. The bold ideas, the grand technological possibilities, the potential benefits of digital and structural transformation, the trailblazing.

Spotless: An Innovation Roadmap

Bridie Scott is an Innovation Manager at Spotless and she’s taken the business on a journey from a large-scale company with big goals to a company that is listening to and empowering all of their frontline employees in the innovation process.

The 3 C’s: Complex Problem Solving, Creativity and Critical Thinking – Core Soft Skills Required in the Workplace of the 4th Industrial Revolution

The next in our series on the 4th Industrial Revolution, from the Business Optimization Training Institute (BOTI). Start with Part I here.