Focused on founding and building / developing a company or enterprise, or creating a new department within their company, or even starting a new project or program

Innovative Design Elements That Will Improve Your Website

Websites are the heart and core of every modern business. Your entire marketing efforts and promotions are supposed to lead visitors to your website and convert them into customers. In a sense, a business website is there to seal the deal. However, no matter how good your marketing efforts are, if your website isn't good enough, your potential customers will simply leave. In addition, online consumers have certain expectations when it comes to business websites, such as good functionality, speed, user-friendliness and so on.

2021-12-14T13:51:20-08:00December 8th, 2017|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , , , |

5 Things Innovative Companies Can Learn From Amazon

It is no secret that Amazon is a titan of industry. Given their tremendous success, they are quite obviously doing more than a few things right. While there are undoubtedly a myriad of different reasons that this company has become the giant that it now is, today we will be taking a look at five of the lessons that other companies can learn from Amazon.

What are Circular Business Models (CBM)?

Shortly, the demands and needs of approximately nine billion people will be about three times the current resources. At this time challenges will accelerate for the deficiencies of resources and enormous production of waste. Circular Business Models (CBM) is the solution for not only improving resource management and decreasing waste production but also reducing costs and expanding firm performance.

Don’t “Fiddle” with the Crowd – Ask it Better Questions Instead

As the examples of successful use of crowdsourcing to address complex technical, business and social issues grow in numbers, so do the instances of failed crowdsourcing campaigns. To make crowdsourcing a widely recognized idea-generating and problem-solving tool, it’s imperative to understand the reasons of why this tool can fail or underperform.

How Quantum Computers will Advance Machine Learning, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence

Quantum computers will allow artificial intelligence, big data, and machine learning to become far more advanced. Many researchers are working on the advancement of quantum computers, and it won't be long before their use becomes widespread.

Global Expansion – The First Things You Should Consider

Taking an innovation, product or other service global has many advantages, but also throws up many challenges. Overcome the challenges and what you are likely to see is a more robust and profitable concern - but get it wrong and you are likely to incur some losses and potentially damage your business.

Design Thinking: the Road Towards Innovation

Design thinking is methodology that combines creativity and logic to improve operations, products, and decision-making. Its iterative cycle identifies a need or opportunity and ultimately improves profitability by adding to your knowledge, and boosting productivity.

Turning Big Data into Big Paydays

The global technological advancement has been ongoing for many decades now. The ability to generate big data by companies concerning their clientele and customers is an opportunity that to exploit and transform into huge returns on paydays. Venturing into data analytics can form a source of income for many more people globally as big data continues to get more use.

How will Your Organization Prepare for Extreme Scenarios?

A BISS-project powered by the Service Science Factory

Rapid changes in technology, customer needs and society forces large organizations to constantly adapt to a changing context in order to remain relevant. Organizations therefore need to shift their strategy from a reactive to a pro-active approach, or in other words, they need to anticipate the future to prepare for it. Developing extreme scenarios paints a picture of the future and poses the opportunity for organizations to prepare for upcoming challenges and to make use of new opportunities.

7 Ways Startups can Foster Innovation through Sustainability

Here’s a spoiler: 90% of all startups fail. The 10% that make it have one thing in common - they all are bringing in innovation through sustainability. These startups are all about evolving by providing faster results with less wastage. It’s a never ending process of innovating for the present and future generations.

Hold Innovation & Mobilize National Entrepreneurialism

We are over flooded with massive innovation lacking commercialization; we have qualifications, certifications and degrees but seriously lacking directions; we have incubators and accelerators exhausted like real estate projects…we have make-believe economical development games but the real progress is not there. So what else we need?

6 Potential Roadblocks to Innovation

Does it feel like your efforts in innovation lately have been…lackluster? Are you finding that your team just isn’t coming up with the great ideas you know they can produce? If your business is feeling stale and stagnant, you obviously want to know why, so you can make changes. Innovation efforts aren’t always simple and easy—and there are definitely some roadblocks that can come up along the way. Don’t get discouraged if you run into any of these common problems—you just have to be determined to prevent and work through them whenever possible!

Seven Good Reasons Not to Innovate

Innovation is risky. Customers are not asking for it. We are already successful… Getting momentum behind significant innovation is difficult, and sometimes it’s easier for a business to stay in what they deem a safe spot. Let’s look at seven arguments that inhibit innovation as well as their counter arguments.