The Post-COVID Workplace: What to Expect Now and in the Future

As we start to think about a time when we can get back to the office and return to some sort of normalcy in the workplace, whether we are a startup or a well-established company, we will need to understand how we can best operate in a post-COVID workplace environment.

How to Deal with Productivity Killers in a Flexible Workplace

By far one of the biggest benefits of remote working is the ability to have a flexible schedule. If you can do the work whenever you want---as long as it gets done---this brings an immense amount of freedom. However, freedom comes with responsibility, and since you’re flexible, you can easily start slacking and never really get any work done.

2021-12-20T10:37:47-08:00September 20th, 2019|Categories: Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |

Five Business Shifts That Will Put Learning at The Heart of The Agenda

In our recent book The Future Reinvented, we are argued that, in the face of seemingly unprecedented change across society, learning at every level is central to survival and growth.

Three Steps to Help Prevent Employee Turnover

Keeping employees and avoiding turnover has never been easy. There is no difference based on the amount of employees. Whether it’s a few dozen or a few hundred, trying to maintain and upkeep employee happiness takes dedication, persistence, and one strong cup of coffee (maybe two or three cups, if we’re being honest).

5 ways to Make Your Company More Efficient

Making your company operate more efficiently can improve your bottom line, while also making it easier to run and to manage. Fortunately, there are a lot of simple things you can do to boost efficiency. It's a good idea to frequently take a critical look at your processes to analyze how they can be made more efficient. Then, you can take advantage of new techniques and technologies that will easily and conveniently boost your efficiency.

The Constant Tension Between Managing Innovation vs. Managing Risk

Managing innovation is a big role that puts a lot of weight on the shoulders of management teams. Depending on how much a company cultivates an innovative culture and environment, innovative ideas either go through chains of command, or are workshopped in specific departments.

Do Your Employees Need Passion?

If you’ve ever written a job description that calls for passionate, hard-working candidates, did you ever stop to think about what that means? Sure, having engaged and loyal employees is the ultimate goal of any company, but the word “passion” is loaded.

How Innovation Fuels a Sense of Purpose in the Workplace

Drawing a connection between innovation and workplace purpose often eludes companies looking to hire the best people for their teams. Let’s take a look at what needs to happen to make this possible.

Hold Innovation & Mobilize National Entrepreneurialism

We are over flooded with massive innovation lacking commercialization; we have qualifications, certifications and degrees but seriously lacking directions; we have incubators and accelerators exhausted like real estate projects…we have make-believe economical development games but the real progress is not there. So what else we need?

Struggling with Company Culture? Here are 3 Ways to Improve Your Work Environment

Company culture is an extremely important component of a healthy business. Culture serves as the personality of the organization and has a huge impact on the company's reputation with both internal employees and externally with customers and clients. In addition, workplace culture can influence an employee's productivity and results. Companies who focus on building a positive culture will reap the benefits of a motivated and high-achieving workforce as employees will feel much more contented and connected at work.

5 Ways to Use Technology to Improve Employee Engagement, Collaboration and Retention

In today’s workplace, technological innovation is key to retaining your best talent. From telecommuting, to growth and career development, to improved communication and collaboration, and beyond, there are myriad ways you can keep your employees happy and productive.

Your ‘Innovative’ Workplace is not Enough

The term “innovative workplace culture” is increasingly clichéd, with little thought about what it means in practice. And yet a successful workplace culture is a business imperative for companies expected to lead the way in design and innovation in today’s experience economy.