Basic trends – things like “Top Innovation Leaders 2020”

The Gig Economy and Workers’ Rights

The gig economy is no longer simply a phrase that individuals existing as professional outliers use to describe themselves. Instead, the gig economy describes a substantial, rapidly growing part of modern society. If you aren’t a part of it, the odds are you know someone who is.

5 New Tech Products Everyone Should Get

Technology is continuously transforming the way people live on a daily basis. The rapid rate at which technology advances makes it one of the most unique influences on our society. From business operations to home-living, technology has found its way into every nook and cranny of human life.

2021-12-17T12:07:12-08:00November 23rd, 2018|Categories: Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , , , , |

Top Innovation Trends in the Manufacturing and Energy Sector

In spite of the new explosive capacity for growth in both the energy and manufacturing sectors, “And only 24% of energy professionals consider their company to be ahead of the competition.” This disparity exists for a number of reasons, but often because a company’s innovation capabilities are not aligned with a repeatable innovation process. So what are the key inflection points for manufacturing and energy innovation?

How New Technologies Are Innovating the Legal Industry

Don't expect practice of the law to be exempt from any of the ongoing digital transformations. There's actually an abundance of new technology that stands a good chance at revolutionizing how we study, practice and interpret the law — in the U.S. and beyond. Here's a look at some of the frontrunners.

What Contributes to Nonprofit Innovation

In an article by the Stanford Social Innovation Review, the authors addressed a recent study from the Bridgespan Group that identified an innovation in the nonprofit sector. Although 80% of nonprofit leaders consider innovation an imperative, only 40% of those leaders consider their organization ready for innovation. SSIR went on to discuss the six characteristics that empower nonprofit innovation.

Innovation in Cities – How Big Data Builds Smart Cities

More people are living in cities than ever before. More people are living closer together and changing weather and climate trends carry more threats to citizens. As cities become more digital, it is becoming easier to understand and predict the trends that are affecting the lives of the population.

The Problem With Australian Innovation Programs: and Lessons for Other Countries (Part 2 in series)

Over the past few months I have been spending time with a range of Australian companies, getting to better understand their business models and approaches to innovation. While there is plenty of good news for Australian businesses and their innovation practices (see my previous article), there is a justified sense of concern around maintaining sustained, robust growth in the face of digital and exponential disruption.

What’s New in Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has become increasingly popular over the past few years. No wonder this is so when approximately 2.5 billion people use social networks on a daily basis. Facebook is still the most popular social media platform, despite its recent Cambridge Analytica Scandal, with more than 1.45 billion unique daily visitors.

Which Fintech Businesses Will Prevail in the Digital Future

One of the most popular resources that IdeaScale has ever created was our white paper about how crowdsourcing was going to impact the financial sector. I think the reason why that white paper was so popular was because crowdsourcing was just one of many emerging trends that were beginning to shake up the financial sector. Other financial trends included the emergence of blockchain, sophisticated hacker schemes, and much (MUCH) more.

How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Personalized Medicine

Artificial intelligence or AI is an area in computer science whose primary objective is to create machines that reflect human activities such as reasoning and cognitive abilities. Chronic illnesses can nowadays be treated professionally using AI within a shorter period. It is made achievable through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).