How Going Green Can Help Your Profits and the Environment

The scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change only grows stronger. The most recent word from scientists is that the present warming of the globe is "unprecedented" in the last 2,000 years. Some 99% of scientists stood in agreement on this in 2011, and now the scientific community has declared there's "no doubt left" that human activity is warming the earth.

Tech That Could Change Your Life

It's sometimes crazy to think that a simple gadget can completely alter someone's life. However, you only need to consider the smartphone to realize just how effectively that can happen. Before smartphones, people needed all of their tech services on their computer which was usually stationary in their homes.

Navigating A Changing World – 10 Principles for Future Leaders

How can those at the top ensure they and their organizations are fit for the future? Perhaps the biggest challenge facing leaders today is to ensure they are capable of navigating themselves and their organizations through a complex and rapidly evolving future landscape. The reality is becoming clear, a good future focused leader has to have a “futurist mindset”.

The Future of Manufacturing and Energy is Crowdsourced Innovation

The industries of manufacturing and energy are poised for more disruptive change perhaps than any other industry. These companies are impacted by sustainability issues, consumer attitudes and behaviors, digitization, 3D printing, emerging automation and technology, and so much more.

2021-12-17T12:53:02-08:00February 25th, 2019|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , , , , |

Top Innovation Trends in the Manufacturing and Energy Sector

In spite of the new explosive capacity for growth in both the energy and manufacturing sectors, “And only 24% of energy professionals consider their company to be ahead of the competition.” This disparity exists for a number of reasons, but often because a company’s innovation capabilities are not aligned with a repeatable innovation process. So what are the key inflection points for manufacturing and energy innovation?

Man and Nature:  Perspectives on Sustainability from East Asian Philosophy

This article provides a conceptual rationale for environmental sustainability derived from Taoist and Buddhist philosophies. Our goal as a society should be to jointly enhance the quality of human lifestyles and the natural environment, not just one or the other. Innovations in this area can have a nonlinear or exponential impact.

Cities and Innovation: A Zen Perspective

This article applies a perspective derived from Zen philosophy to issues of life and innovation within cities. Two major, holistic realms of urban existence are identified—the socio-economic and the ecological. These two spheres do not always coexist in a state of mutually sustainable balance and urban well-being.

Staying Innovative Within Your Industry’s Regulations: Is it Possible?

In theory, most of us like the idea (or at least see the necessity) of regulations. Just look at a recent survey from Pew, that shows 74% of Americans think “the country should do whatever it takes to protect the environment.”

10 Innovations That Will Make Your Business Greener

More so now than ever, people are holding businesses accountable for the effect they have on the environment. With many areas experiencing the consequences of climate change, people are supporting companies with green initiatives. What can your business do to help the environment and your customer acquisition and retention? Here are 10 innovations that will make your business greener overall.

Turning Big Data into Big Paydays

The global technological advancement has been ongoing for many decades now. The ability to generate big data by companies concerning their clientele and customers is an opportunity that to exploit and transform into huge returns on paydays. Venturing into data analytics can form a source of income for many more people globally as big data continues to get more use.

7 Ways Startups can Foster Innovation through Sustainability

Here’s a spoiler: 90% of all startups fail. The 10% that make it have one thing in common - they all are bringing in innovation through sustainability. These startups are all about evolving by providing faster results with less wastage. It’s a never ending process of innovating for the present and future generations.