Interested in improving already-existing processes – refining, redefining, etc. – can also apply to reconfiguring departments or teams

How Companies Can Pursue a More Circular Economy

There are studies that say the world will run out of oil within 55 years. All the while, aquatic creatures are suffering at the hands of plastic pollution every day. On top of that, our collective contribution to the greenhouse effect is sending us underwater as sea levels rise at unprecedented rates.

The Limits of Positive Thinking

The magical potency of positive thinking has been a common theme among motivational speakers for a long time. In 1952 Norman Vincent Peale published his seminal book, The Power of Positive Thinking. He advocated that you should always be optimistic. You should build a mental picture of yourself succeeding.

How to Deal with Productivity Killers in a Flexible Workplace

By far one of the biggest benefits of remote working is the ability to have a flexible schedule. If you can do the work whenever you want---as long as it gets done---this brings an immense amount of freedom. However, freedom comes with responsibility, and since you’re flexible, you can easily start slacking and never really get any work done.

2021-12-20T10:37:47-08:00September 20th, 2019|Categories: Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |

Do You Know Your Company’s Implementation Rate?

With the rise of the innovation department, numerous organizations are focusing their attention on their company’s ideation rate. A good ideation rate generally predicts other positive company health indicators: profitability, higher employee retention rates, reported customer success, but there’s another innovation health indicator that we think organizations should pay attention to: their implementation rate.

The Power of Crowdsourcing as a Service

The Food and Drug Administration in the US has a lot of responsibility to protect and advocate for consumers. And one department in the FDA, the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), regulates over-the-counter and prescription drugs, including biological therapeutics and generic drugs.

Three Steps to Becoming a Data Leader

In the aftermath of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), businesses aren’t crying out for data superheroes; but for a complete, well-drilled data army. According to Gartner's Research Vice President, Mario Faria, 90% of businesses will employ a Chief Data Officer (CDO) by the end of this year. However, in a world increasingly governed by data, it is no longer the sole responsibility of a c-suite to ensure compliance – every individual is equally accountable for protecting consumers’ privacy.

The Regulator Requires a Director of Innovation

Regulation has a critical role to play to protect customers and businesses operating in industries that are sensitive to various threats. In complex industries such as the financial industry, regulation is often perceived as a barrier and a burden.

Key Innovations that are Transforming the Supply Chain Industry

Technology is transforming every industry across the globe, and its effectively driving the business world forward as a whole. At the center of all of this is, of course, the bottom line, or the consumers, and how they benefit from the integration of tech solutions into the processes of their favorite brands.

2021-12-20T08:23:29-08:00May 22nd, 2019|Categories: Enabling Factors|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Leading Innovation within Government Agencies: What to Drive and What to Avoid

As innovation professionals, we too often look for inspiration from organizations such as Apple, Amazon, Tesla, Spotify, Google, etc. Cultures within these businesses are encourage transparency, experimentation and autonomy resulting in engaged workforce of the best and brightest minds, pumping out game changing products on-schedule, on-budget and on-point. We want that for the organizations that we support. We want to drive those behaviors.

Essential Tips for Safeguarding Your Startup

Starting your own business can be an exciting but challenging endeavor. Even for those experienced in management, entrepreneurship can be daunting. With unexpected obstacles that constantly crop up, you need to protect your business from day one if you wish to succeed. Here are some essential tips for safeguarding your startup: