Interested in improving already-existing processes – refining, redefining, etc. – can also apply to reconfiguring departments or teams

A More Innovative Europe? Think Different About Innovation!

In Brussels, the Research & Innovation Program Horizon Europe (FP9) is the talk of ‘EU town’. Horizon Europe is hoped to be the great leap forward of Europe to close the innovation gap to the US and stay ahead of the emerging innovation giant China in the coming years.

Why Don’t You Have Enough Innovation?

Nearly every company’s strategy these days is to grow through innovation, yet many fall short. We all know the standard reasons: innovation is hard, innovation is uncertain or innovation grinds against the gears of the operating organization. They are all more or less true, but they are also simplistic, not really guiding executives on how to actually get more innovation.

How to Improve Your Company’s Productivity

Maintaining productivity and positivity in the workplace is an ongoing struggle for many businesses and employees. The grind of 9-to-5 life weighs on people and makes it hard to find excitement and motivation throughout the day.

The Importance of Senior Management Involvement for Innovation

Senior management is without a doubt a tough job. If you’re one of the few executives at the top of a large organization, there are likely hundreds of people; customers, employees, partners, and the list goes on; who are all looking for your attention regarding an endless sea of different topics and initiatives.

Changes to Drive More Value from Your Innovation / Ideation Platform

In our previous article we focused on some of the serious issues being faced by clients and vendors who are working with innovation / ideation platforms.

7 Mistakes to Avoid when Measuring Innovation

Measuring innovation is one of the most ambiguous tasks when engaging in innovation management. Because of the complex nature of innovation, finding the right metrics is far from being simple.

7 Lessons You Can Learn from Your Previous Business Mistakes

We’ve heard it time and time again – 90% of startups fail in the first five years of operating. Bad financial decisions, a poorly designed business model, a wrong product for the market, financial mismanagement, and bad timing are just some of the most commonly cited reasons why some businesses never manage to pass the five-year threshold.

2021-12-17T12:05:20-08:00November 16th, 2018|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , , , , , |

3 Ways How DRaaS Can Help to Save Your Business

Disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) is a category of cloud computing designed to protect applications and data against natural and human disasters. It ensures that service disruption of a business is kept to a minimum by enabling a full recovery through the cloud. Most often it is handled by a third-party provider and managed by your internal IT personnel, removing some workload from your IT professionals and giving them peace of mind.

Small Businesses can Overcome Financial Woes Through Innovation

Starting up a small business can be rough. Even if you possess near-infinite entrepreneurial spirit, chances are that you’ll run into some roadblocks along the way. Whether these obstacles are based in logistics of strategy and implementation of your business model, or even issues with the very products and services you offer, most of these problems can be solved with financial influx.

Have You Taken These 5 Necessary Steps to Increase Your Cybersecurity at Work?

Data breaches at large companies like Facebook and Delta Airlines have brought cybersecurity to the forefront of boardrooms across the world. Major corporations, the healthcare industry, and even the federal government are all monitoring network and digital infrastructures closely. However, many individuals have a hard time grasping how cybersecurity is essential to them.

5 Things that Are Slowing Most SMBs Down

On your path towards success, your business will encounter numerous bumps, however, some of these problems tend to hold your business more than others. Most of the time, the entrepreneurs behind these SMBs are first-timers, which means that they lack the necessary experience to recognize the gravity of the situation in the given moment.

How Technology Can Augment Human Collaboration

Innovation requires collaboration, but collaboration is stuck in a rut. Data science can help us climb out. It can increase the scale, the intentionality, and the nuance of how we collaborate. With the right data and algorithms, we can set our teams up to do something innovative.

The Problem With Australian Innovation Programs: and Lessons for Other Countries (Part 2 in series)

Over the past few months I have been spending time with a range of Australian companies, getting to better understand their business models and approaches to innovation. While there is plenty of good news for Australian businesses and their innovation practices (see my previous article), there is a justified sense of concern around maintaining sustained, robust growth in the face of digital and exponential disruption.

Choose the Right Human Resource Information System to Stay on Top of Your Game

The backbone of any company, an HR department can be a catalyst for a brand’s growth and success. A tech-supported, effective HR unit will help you improve employee experience, which translates into better engagement and higher performance.

Urban innovation labs, hubs, coworking spaces… Which one to choose to boost your innovation?

Innovation is the Holy Grail of business success that can supercharge any kind of organisations from corporates to start-ups and shift them towards growth. Nevertheless, many organisations on the creative edge are struggling how to make innovation happen due to the rise of new work processes, changing demographics and new technologies.